This came out in the late 60s or early 70s. I remember watching it as a kid.
Today at Instapundit, I found out that in Germany, they are teaching self-defense methods with a “snapping towel.” Back in my day, I knew some teens who could snap towels with the best of them in the locker room. It was banned in my public school because you might put someone’s eye out.
Hey, why not arm them with salt guns?
Or is that too violent for today’s woke cast?
Maybe it could be “Throw that bag of peanuts at them, maybe they have an allergy”. I don’t mean to make light of peanut allergies, but they seem to be more prevalent today than they used to be.
I don’t know if you have ever seen Life of Brian, but here is a great clip that predicated the future….by about thirty years or more. For what it’s worth, deceased Beatle George Harrison funded a lot of the Monty Python movies. Smart guy.
This stuff cannot go away fast enough. These people leading the charge on it are just dumb.
Anybody coming at me with a banana is getting shot
The fact that this was called out that long ago only goes to show you how truly absurd all of this is. Still one of the funniest movies ever. Blessed are the Greeks...oh that is nice.....