Everything is supposedly coming up roses for the Republicans, but I'm not optimistic. Also, while I like your prescriptions, I was disappointed to not see anything about punishment, like incarceration, for the shenanigans of the last three years.

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me as well. there have to be consequences for a soft coup. not Stalinist show trials.

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After watching this past weeks hearings totally agree that at least Eastman, Giuliani, and Trump deserve to be incarcerated. Make sure to read Luttig's opening statement https://www.politico.com/news/2022/06/16/j-michael-luttig-opening-statement-jan-6-hearing-00040255

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Don't worry. Dominion voting machines and the mail in ballots will stop the bleeding for Democrats. It doesn't matter who votes. It only matters who counts the votes. And who controls the F-15's and nukes, as Brandon so helpfully reminded us...

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The solution this problem is 3-fold: 1) cut taxes; 2) cut government spending; 3) open the spigot and let that Black Gold flow! And for good measure, a new Manhattan Project on building oil refineries. Easy peasy!

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If the Republicans win back the House, I think they need present a serious plan to the American people with all the policy changes you list. Their model should be the Contract With America that Newt Gingrich proposed. They also need to explain as you did the historical roots of how we got here, and that this is going to take years to fix.

Normal people are really sick and tired of all the craziness from the leftist culture swirling around them. It behooves the Republicans to act differently than the past especially now that the Republican Party has a much different composition that it did prior to Trump that does not match the mainstream media stereotyping. They need to be deadly serious in their presentation of where we are, how we got here, and how they are going to fix this. They also need to focus on economics and not social issues.

Since they are expecting big victories nationwide, I would like to see them do the unexpected and have no celebrations on election night. None. Each winning candidate should give a 5 minute speech thanking everyone, say that the task we all face is great and this is not the time to celebrate, but to roll up our sleeves and get to work. Be measured and sober and present a serious tone to the American people. If they want to win the White House in 2024, they must change the public image of the party to match the tone of the people now in it. The mainstream media will ignore it, but the change is not meant for them.

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It's totally fair to criticize the last generation of Rs. But which of the current ascendant crop is not economically illiterate? Much less not insane? Even if the tax code is improved revenues still have to meet expenses over some realistic time frame. Which the current Rs have no clue on how to accomplish. There's about no way to address Medicare and Social Security without either major tax increases or major growth in the tax base. Rejiggering the tax code has an impact, but the tax base is most easily grown by increasing immigration, which "the electoral base" is against. I'm pretty sure none of Reagan, Cochrane, Roberts would want anything to do with the populist MAGA-ite BSers. Because R/C/R are/were optimists and populists are at heart pessimists. Populists dream of a fantasy world that never was or can be.

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Let us also not forget that the inflation number we are seeing today is calculated differently than it was in Carter/Regan years. If Shadowstats is even close to being correct with its adjustments we are seeing inflation well in excess of the early 80s.

Having spent the summer of 1993 in Russia living with a family there, I lived the experience of 700-800% YoY inflation during those months. Fortunately I could hold my dollars until I need rubles to buy something. But I can tell you that if the Fed doesn't get things under control it's going to get very ugly out there very quickly.

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