Ted Stevens: DoJ withholds exculpatory evidence

Tom Delay: bogus legal theory, overturned on appeal

Bob McDonnell: bogus legal theory, overturned on appeal

Mitt Romney: Harry Reid lied about him not paying taxes

Is there a pattern?

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Lie, Cheat, Steal, Inc.

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Your comment about flags reminded me of a recent exchange with a neighbor. She told me that she had just come back from a trip to the south and the people were nicer than expected, but there were a lot of big trucks flying those big nasty flags. In surprise, I asked "They were openly flying confederate flags?" Her response, "No, American flags!"

We have an American flag mounted on our house. Maybe, she didn't make the connection?

Thoughtful post, Jeff, welcomed at a time like this. Thinking about your suggestions. For the time being NYC is dead to me.

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I'm more in favor of Trump than ever because of the way he's been treated

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So when do all the Republican attorneys begin exercising lawfare against Democrats? We are in a war that only one side is fighting. Fight fire with fire.

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Yuppppp, they should start tomorrow

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R's should have realized this decades ago but foolishly assumed the D's would come to their reasonable senses. Hoping they finally have the cajones to fight back using the same weapons, and praying it's not too little too late.

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Not a lawyer and haven't stayed at a Holiday Inn in quite a while.

This can be fast tracked to the Supreme Court because one of the charges is a violation of Federal law. Can't help but wonder if that is one of the reasons the D's have been harping on Alito and Thomas's wives and trying to get them to recuse themselves on anything involving Trump. Also the Supremes just issued a ruling in favor of the NRA. Not based on the 2nd Amendment but the 1st. The opinion was written by Sotomayor! Not exactly Ms. Rightwinger. 9-0 in favor of the NRA. Intimidation did work on Roberts in the past. See Obamacare.

Are they hoping this will result in a replay of January 6th? While this will help or hurt Trump isn't known a repeat of January 6 would hurt. Is that what they want?

If the R's did run De Santis, with Trumps blessing, and if he campaigned for him, he would probably win in a walk and take the House and Senate with him. Trump might do that too but more iffy.

If the Supremes toss this out have to see if the D's do their version of January 6.

I think what gives the game away was the judge not allowing the defense to put on a witness who was an expert in election law. Also not really allowing them to testify that the banks did their own due diligence so it didn't matter what Trump said.

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Get out of New York state while you still can.

I hope the Rangers lose.

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Boycott Democrat Party cities. If you live in a Democrat city like I do, engage in Irish Democracy.

And let Dems know you hold them in contempt. Ask yourself every day: Have I done my best to aggravate as many Marxists/leftists/‘progressives’/Democrats today as possible?

You don’t have to do this, but I like to call them Left-Wing Urban Hillbillies. I do this for two reasons: 1) because it is accurate; and, 2) because it is great fun to watch the veins stick out of their skinny little necks.

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Similar, and Megyn Kelly really ripped the point on “Due Process” violation (I’ll link that later), but this::


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thought she was on point.

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Pray for the Republic! Keep your powder dry!

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Superb take

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Alinsky's Rule # 4: “Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules."

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Until yesterday's verdict I thought that the "Hunter Biden's laptops aren't Hunter Biden's laptops even though they're Hunter Biden's laptops" story, which let's face it, given the fact that polls showed 15% of Biden voters would not have voted for him had they known there was any truth to the Biden laptop story, was the ultimate deceptive and deceitful manipulation of the outcome of a presidential election that 50 years from now well be studied in history classes as the closest thing to organize anarchy and treason we've experienced in our lifetimes. Yesterday's verdict topped that as the ultimate F you/slap in the face to Americans, especially considering the judge and the DAs.

We are getting closer to a civil war. Literally dozens of Democrats I know are disgusted with what they've witnessed and have gone from "Never Trumpers" to "Never Bideners". If Donald Trump wins the election we will have massive riots that will make the riots from the 2020 Summer seem like child play, because the liberals heads will explode. Lifelong dear friend who's a judge in Denver and a former partner at Greenberg Traurig, as well as a Democrat, is positive he will not do a day behind bars and it is highly likely the decision will be overturned on appeal.

As much as I would have hated to state it just a few years ago, today I can see that the possibility of a second Civil War might actually be a good thing for this country in the long run, but it will inflict a great deal of pain. I know it sounds and looks ridiculous to read that and hear that but somebody has to slap the s*** out of the liberals who are justifying and rationalizing a witch hunt that is 50 times worse than any we've ever seen, directed toward anyone.

No matter what your opinion of Donald Trump, it no longer "..if they can do this to a former President"; it is "Holy crap, they HAVE done this to a former President! What the hell do you think they can do to you and me if you publicly voice an opinion that differs from theirs?". That is not America and that is not the United States and it needs to be addressed immediately.

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Democrats have to purge their own party. They do that by voting Republican

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In their haste to convict Trump they have openned Pandora's Box. As an example, just the other day there was a unanomous ruling by the Supreme Court against New York state in a 2nd Ammendment case. In this case a New York state official convinced at least one insurance company to stop writing insurance for the NRA and they would no look at regulatory problems the company had in New York. Souns like extortion to me. If it involved more than one official, more thsn one insurance company and more than one contact with an insuramce compamy could this be a federal RICO case? You bet!

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Our side has to start getting creative with lawfare as well.

Indict all of the Democrats for any and all reasons. I don't even care about legitimacy.

The process is the punishment.

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First, Chill is paying attention, per usual::


(If she wasn’t a waitress now, she’d definitely would’ve been asked by someone to come down to The Floor, had one still been open.)

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The Iowa Presidential Markets are still calling for a Dem win...

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