you wrote: "That’s a recession and the cause is policy driven by the President of the United States and the people that work for him. They are incompetent."
I do not agree. They are not incompetent. They're quite good at what they do. The word 'evil' comes to mind.
The leftist Sandinistas are trying to change language before our eyes. A woman is not a woman, a recession is not a recession. Don’t believe your lying eyes they say.
Yellen, like Fauci, like Wray (and Comey), like Milley, like Burns and so on are administrators devoted to and good at playing the politics required to survive and flourish in a bureaucracy. As the Iron Law of Bureaucracy states, "In any bureaucracy, the people devoted to the benefit of the bureaucracy itself always get in control and those dedicated to the goals the bureaucracy is supposed to accomplish have less and less influence, and sometimes are eliminated entirely".
I am with Mr. Ruscio on this one. The folks that are out front for this regime are indeed incompetent fools. However, the folks running the show from behind the scenes are NOT. Think the Obama mafia: Susan Rice, Obama, Samantha Powers, etc.
They are evil and are doing what all socialist/commie/leftists do to gain total control and power. Destroy the society and all it's institutions and create chaos and allow crime to run rampant. Prosecute and persecute the law abiding citizen and your political opponents while not just looking the other way at those doing evil and your allies, but actually rewarding those who break the law and encourage their behavior.
It is all about bringing destruction and chaos. Why? Simple. So that when the public has been broken they will cry out for the very folks who brought this upon them to rescue them from the violence and crime.
Don't think folks would do that? Take a look at any D controlled city or state. Are they learning from their past votes? Nope, not a bit.
Because as I have said over and over (because it is true), what libs fear most is being called racist and bigoted and they have been brainwashed into believing (with all their hearts) that we on the right are those things.
Prediction. Watch as Nashville, a center left city until now, not governed by insane ideologues, not so slowly becomes like the city all those young lefties left. An eastern version of L.A. or S.F.
The left ruins EVERYTHING it controls. EVERYTHING.
FWIW, when Covid hit, the press was all in on recession....which caused the Trump administration to try and spin that they created one of the largest increases in history coming out of it...which wasn't exactly true either. Throw out the years 2020 and 2021 when you cite economic trends and stats.
you wrote: "That’s a recession and the cause is policy driven by the President of the United States and the people that work for him. They are incompetent."
I do not agree. They are not incompetent. They're quite good at what they do. The word 'evil' comes to mind.
The leftist Sandinistas are trying to change language before our eyes. A woman is not a woman, a recession is not a recession. Don’t believe your lying eyes they say.
Yellen, like Fauci, like Wray (and Comey), like Milley, like Burns and so on are administrators devoted to and good at playing the politics required to survive and flourish in a bureaucracy. As the Iron Law of Bureaucracy states, "In any bureaucracy, the people devoted to the benefit of the bureaucracy itself always get in control and those dedicated to the goals the bureaucracy is supposed to accomplish have less and less influence, and sometimes are eliminated entirely".
I am with Mr. Ruscio on this one. The folks that are out front for this regime are indeed incompetent fools. However, the folks running the show from behind the scenes are NOT. Think the Obama mafia: Susan Rice, Obama, Samantha Powers, etc.
They are evil and are doing what all socialist/commie/leftists do to gain total control and power. Destroy the society and all it's institutions and create chaos and allow crime to run rampant. Prosecute and persecute the law abiding citizen and your political opponents while not just looking the other way at those doing evil and your allies, but actually rewarding those who break the law and encourage their behavior.
It is all about bringing destruction and chaos. Why? Simple. So that when the public has been broken they will cry out for the very folks who brought this upon them to rescue them from the violence and crime.
Don't think folks would do that? Take a look at any D controlled city or state. Are they learning from their past votes? Nope, not a bit.
Because as I have said over and over (because it is true), what libs fear most is being called racist and bigoted and they have been brainwashed into believing (with all their hearts) that we on the right are those things.
Prediction. Watch as Nashville, a center left city until now, not governed by insane ideologues, not so slowly becomes like the city all those young lefties left. An eastern version of L.A. or S.F.
The left ruins EVERYTHING it controls. EVERYTHING.
Stiglitz? I hope he has enough shame to shut up for a while at least until Sri Lanka recovers, which will be a very, very long time.
I'm betting there's still plenty of "blame Trump" fuel in their tanks. What's the shelf life on that anyway?
unlimited. It's like Velveeta
Has there ever been a more embarrassing treas sec?
The one prior wasn't exactly unembarrassing
To listen to all those Biden officials yammer on and on that two negative quarters of GDP isn't a recession is laughable.
FWIW, when Covid hit, the press was all in on recession....which caused the Trump administration to try and spin that they created one of the largest increases in history coming out of it...which wasn't exactly true either. Throw out the years 2020 and 2021 when you cite economic trends and stats.