Depends on what the pac does with the money, and if it will commit some support down the line. A really good, energetic candidate working hard can change minds. But your concerns would be better placed at the state legislature level. Congressional seats are just too expensive and can't be won without selling a bit of one's soul. A state house seat can still be won with very limited resources and hard work over a long period of time. Good candidates are hard to find but with lead time and just enough money seats can be flipped. Don't give money to republican organizations. Give it to good candidates who are willing to challenge incumbents.

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agree. I think there is 1 house race that can possibly be flipped in Nevada. Susie Lee. That's it. The Senate can certainly be flipped. Rosen is a very unimpressive Senator. She votes with Biden 98% of the time and is running to the middle in ads.

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You hit the nail on the head with this one.

In the way back when the Tea Party was around they worked and got the R's control of both the House and Senate. The R's promptly betrayed them (and we are all surprised by that). They got disgusted and left, at least until Trump came along. Some R's just looked at it as "now's it's our turn to feed at the trough, oink oink." some actually despise the people who vote for them. Not mentioning any names, but ahem....Romney and Cocaine Mitch, the Bushes, etc... If they ever remake Gilligan's Island Romney could play Thurston Howell III. Perfect for the part.

The R's also have a fundamental weakness. They don't seem to realize that politics is a ground game and you make progress in inches. Their playbook seems to consist only of Hail Mary Passes. Sometimes works, sometimes intercepted, or fumbled. They have prima donna's who if they don't get what they want and everything they want they would rather get nothing. Boy, that will show them...!! I'll hold my breath until I pass out!

The Founding Fathers created Congress to be the most powerful part of the government. It controlled the purse and the only branch that could pass laws. Both the D's and R's seem to be more than happy to fritter that away to both the Executive (Imperial Presidency anyone?), the Courts and the Administrative State. D's because the get what they want. R's because?? Maybe they are afraid if they do something they might not be reelected.

Should I write a letter to my Congressman?

A Congressman has two ends.

A thinking end and a sitting end.

And since his whole success is dependent on his seat.

Why bother friend.

Same thing when Trump was elected. The R's had both houses also. And they did basically nothing. Part of the blame is Trump's. Looking at things from the sidelines or the outside and looking at things from the inside is different. But still, he was the man in charge and made a lot of bad decisions. Terrible judge of character, or lack of it. Still Mitch and Ryan were more than happy to see him flail around. He might upset their apple cart or break their rice bowl.

The other, other problem is doing the work. It's not just money. The Washington Examiner had a piece about will the people who attended Trump's rally in NJ also go out and do the work. Attending a Trump Rally will not get him elected, or anyone else.

OK I've vented.

Great piece.

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In north Idaho we had a far left Democrat switch party affiliation and run as a Republican in the primary. She still got 15% of the vote. Quite a lot of people that were registered Democrats ran as Republican Precinct Committeemen and won. The Democrats and RINOS are sooooo corrupt here it’s appalling. But sadly, not surprising. A good friend of ours won her committeeman seat 65/35 so that was pretty cool.

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you have to root them out in red states. utah the same.

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