
Well said and on-point.

I was a bit confused about the position of Le-Pen as a capitalist, but that France is falling to communists.

The US needs to wake up and look at things like the jobs report and what it tells us. It seems that for the last several year, the jobs report stays somewhat decent, while economically we are challenged. When you look at the detail though, it points to the Government Sector as the second highest new job creator every month. And when you add the NGO hiring sprees that receive money from the government to operate and feed friends of the government administrators, it points to a HUGE leak of capital (Re-distribution of wealth).

Good work.

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Jul 8Liked by Jeffrey Carter

Great post Mr Carter! There is a backlash coming from we "normies" (deplorables) and the left will not go quietly. Remember the lessons from the St George Floyd "mostly peaceful" riots from a few summers ago! Lots of damage, loss of innocent lives, and rampant destruction with absolutely NO Consequences! This kind of BS must never be tolerated again! I think PDT has learned his lessons from his first term. He's fighting a two sided front against Dem/Marxists and go along get along RINO's. I'm cautiously optimistic but certainly not cocky! Pray for the country!

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i am not optimistic that the normies won't go quietly. Covid was a test

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Jul 8Liked by Jeffrey Carter

Understandably, but all the exposure of the massive lies may have done the trick to shift people out of complacency!

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Jul 8Liked by Jeffrey Carter

The Financial Times ran an especially ludicrous hit piece on Trump this weekend, repeating the Bleach Hoax, as if Trump was somehow encouraging people to drink Clorox (he was asking medical researchers to look into nano-tech solutions for virus eradication). Just inane analysis, as if Trump doesn't say dumb things on his own, so they have to make stuff up to smear him.



The only encouragement from this week in Europe is that the more conservative parties won a big plurality, yet by parliamentary maneuvers in France, and failure to consolidate votes in UK, they ended up in the minority. The Tories in the UK are pretty much useless until the address immigration and netzero lunacy, so it is quite understandable that actual conservatives voted for Reform.

They need new leadership in the UK, and I think that France will come around when they realize the party in power is weird and anti-Semitic.

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Jul 9Liked by Jeffrey Carter

Hasn't anyone studied history? Marxism is the leading cause of death in the world. Communist countries have killed between 60 to 100 million people. That is because communist governments are run by idiots who don't know how the real world works. They try to control nature, which is uncontrollable, and that leads to mass starvation and mass death.

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Jul 9Liked by Jeffrey Carter

Your take really helpful, thank you. 19 killed, 100 shot in Chi over the weekend, let the good times roll.

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Nixon's fault

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Jul 9Liked by Jeffrey Carter

The Tory's have drifted a long way from the days of Thatcher. Only a few were pro BritEX. Most of them were more European than British in outlook. Look at Scotland and Ireland as an example. They both wanted their independence and a sort of Home Rule, though we also want the money too. When getting it (more or less) they immediately gave it up the the EU. It's a WTF moment. You fight England for decades for self rule and upon getting it go to the EU and say: "OK now you tell us what to do and think." Ah Progress!

The one minor saving grace is that it was a very low turnout. Personally I blame BoJo for a lot of this. He was basically a NoShow and a NoGo. Tried to get the Ukraine into NATO (him and Lindsey) so it would weaken or lessen Russia. Brilliant idea. Like that wouldn't upset Putin. Then the guy he hires during COVID is the same guy who was wrong on AIDs, and spectacularly wrong. But from Cambridge (or Oxford, I get them confused) so OK then. Also violated his own dictate to be with his paramour while BoJo partied like it was 1999 at 10 Downing Street. Rules for me, rules for thee. And then can't understand why people are not in awe of him.

If you wonder why breathing, heart beat, blood pressure is an autonomous function you have your answer. If people like that had to think about it they'd all be dead.

In France as well as a lot of European countries there is the left, the more left, the even further left and the crazy left. Oh, an a few right wingers (never any left wingers though) who are all by definition Nazi's, wanna be Nazi's, secret Nazi's or Nazi's pretending not to be Nazi's but are really Nazi's. The left spend most of their time fighting each other but if it looks like the right (ie anyone not them and again by definition a Nazi) may gain power they unite to defeat them. Then go back to fighting each other.

It goes back to the old saw about True Communism or Socialism has never been tried. Note they never say that about True Facisim has never been tried. Also the three greatest monsters of the 20th Century were, in order, Mao, Stalin, Hitler. Hitler was #3! The mini monsters like Pol Pot, Castro. et. al were all communists too.

My best guess is that as Tip O'Neill said all politics is local. So if they are rioting downtown but not in the suburbs and you live in the suburbs, not your problem. The welfare state contributes to this. Was an article about how crime goes down in Sweden in the summer because a lot of certain people go home in the summer to visit family, etc. People who fled to Sweden as refugees return to the place they fled from to visit family. Guess they are only seeking refuge in the winter. Also welfare.

As long as the welfare state functions, the money comes in. not to many riots or crime than my guess is it will continue. I agree that I'm not sure the "normies" will get it.

There were some interesting interviews with D voters who would pull the lever for Joe or any D no matter what. People don't always vote FOR someone. They also vote AGAINST someone or something. I'm not sure if the vote in England was for Labour or against the Tories. Not always the same thing. A low turnout suggests more against. The vote in France suggests it was more Against Le Pen then for the others. I think that is a hurdle that Trump has too overcome, if possible. To them Trump is a combination of Snidely Whiplash, Boris Badenov and The Joker.

Agree about the cheating. What worries me is the R's are the Stupid Party and will not be proactive. They weren't last time. Their tendency isn't to close the barn door after the horse have left. It's to close the barn door while the horses are still in there and the barn is on fire. They go in after the fire is out, beat the horses with sticks and complain when they won't get up and run. Still waiting for the kraken.

If there is a big downturn that might help. Maybe

Sorry about the length. In the mood so to speak

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France won’t devolve into Civil war because farmers and peasants and frankly even workers have no balls. All are simply aspiring bourgeois.

They just suck at bourgeois.

Revolution requires soldiers.

What does anyone think happened in France? The Third Estate were second and lesser sons of aristocracy who weren’t going to inherit the manor so that left the army. Louis XVI couldn’t pay for the army so he convened the estates to raise taxes. Breaking the rules the younger aristocrats ran as candidates in the Third Estate and were elected. The Third Estate started the French Revolution on the Tennis Court.

In Russia soldiers led the Soviets, the Bolsheviks infiltrated the Soviets (councils), Lenin had $2B in German gold and offered peace, land, bread- Kerensky offered war and we’ll get to that voting thing at some future date…

Let’s circle back to America; the American Revolution began with the French and Indian war (Seven years war) and the British created the armies and colonial militias complete with taxation, pay, logistics to support them… soldiers were at hand and all able bodied men de facto default as militia.

The people no more naturally fight than they can fly, unless you mean flight for their lives.

The people are bourgeois… and so my dears is socialism. Socialism is the bourgeoisie salon - email job of academics.

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interesting perspective

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You're analyses are thought provoking, especially the mobilization of the colonies and their militias the fight in the F/I War, and later the Revolution. Tell me, please, how this applies to our current situation?

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In summary the DC Empire is ending, and we’re in the position of no succession in sight.

The only parallel is China 1911.

1) The current situation is those opposed to the statists have absolutely no organization nor one government anywhere, but a great number of very angry, capable people heavily armed :: … the government party- DC, the Left have all the organizations except the military and police, certainly top level military and law enforcement, but they don’t have their rank and file nor the Veterans. ⬅️ it must be noted that Military, Veterans, Police are the same families and often the same person. <= shooting each other unlikely.

The GOP cannot replace the New Deal, they have no capacity for such. Local government, occasionally State.


2) Or… Had? The DEMS had? Are losing it all?

… after the Biden debacles at the debate and NATO the Democratic Party may be disintegrating.

IF the Democratic Party disintegrates that’s the party of all National and International Institutions including DC, the Empire and NATO.

All of these are Democratic Party or RINO at the National and International level, we have had effective one party government since FDR. The GOP is for where you live, not how you govern, which is why they are always RINO at DC, no choice. DC and Empire aren’t capable of small government.

DC may have begun its final unraveling with the debate and NATO this morning, so …

It’s all up for grabs.


If the status quo recovers then we’re at scenario 1, which has been the case for years, if Trump is elected in November then DC will unravel at least partially and the Imperium with it. Perhaps all, or some desperate gambit splits the nation openly.

This is the Imperium unraveling slowly from now to January and next year, Trump isn’t going to save it as its time is over. Too old and too encrusted by interests that conflict.

OR… #2

If the unraveling of the Democratic Party continues as it has the last two weeks… then all National and International institutions unravel rapidly, at 1989 speed abroad and possibly 1789 speed in America. The GOP is in no condition to replace the New Deal.

Whoever builds the first real army will likely win. I don’t think peace is possible, regardless of the most certain lack of stomach for war among any leadership or middle class. The people in the commons who don’t know war and the young, disenfranchised men may think they are… but without leadership or resources this is unlikely. No one is ready for this that’s in sight.

Unfortunately Americans are not ready for the status quo ending either, nor is there any replacement to the status quo, however the status quo is incarnated in Biden and his retainers and government. Either marginal figures in all respects except for their age… it’s a gerontocracy… or idiot younger creatures. They’re dying.

So in summary the DC Empire is ending, and we’re in the position of no succession in sight and no reliable mechanism to transfer in any case. Government by geriatric bureaucracy was a bad idea.

The historical parallel is China 1911-1949 - the most fit warlord won. So - the American Mao.

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Jul 9Liked by Jeffrey Carter

Europe has been practicing what I like to call "weak kneed communism" for the last 60 plus years. They are not running into anything they have not been running into now for decades. Fortunately, at this point, they are so week kneed as to rather harmless, except to their economies, which they will ravage like a stuck pig at a hillbilly gathering. The problem is we here in America of course, are doing just as Mr. Kruschev said we would. You either can die quickly or a very slow, long painful death. This death has been coming on since TR and Wilson and now it simply is a matter of when we decide it is time to divorce.

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Jul 8Liked by Jeffrey Carter

IMO the big lesson is that the left can populist just as well as the right.

A good summary on France:


"The French decided that they did not want the RN in power. The problem is, they also decided they didn't want anyone else."

In the US a large majority of Americans want neither Biden nor Trump. But both parties are set to try to foist one or the other on the entire country.

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At least the Republicans had a competitive primary.

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Jul 8Liked by Jeffrey Carter

Gooder and harder France and England!

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Google proudly told me this was AI generated; I'm not sure how it differs from a regular google search.

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According to the Center for Sustainable Systems, 89% of the US population is projected to live in urban areas by 2050, with more than 325 urban areas having populations of over 100,000. The UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA) also predicts that 2.5 billion people could be added to urban areas by 2050 due to population growth and demographic shifts.

The point being, if urban areas tend liberal-progressive-socialist this doesn't bode well for the future. You can start to imagine the second and third derivatives of this population agglomeration. I prefer being optimistic about the future.

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Excellent article. Like you, I worry - especially due the publics fear of COVID. Too few people understand the peril we're facing and fewer yet, realize the level of commitment required, effort demanded and the expense entailed for us to prevail.

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