
For folks who follow such things there is something called the Martin-Quinn Score that evaluates SCOTUS Justices on an ideological continuum. It looks like this currently:

Justice Sonia Sotomayor — minus 3.959, the most liberal justice on the SCOTUS

Justice Stephen Breyer — minus 1.901 <<< being replaced by Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson who will be way past even Justice Sotomayor

Justice Elena Kagan — minus 1.508

Chief Justice John Roberts — plus 0.506, barely registers

Justice Brett Kavanaugh — plus 0.548, barely registers

Justice Amy Coney Barrett — plus 1.011

Justice Neil Gorsuch — plus 1.11

Justice Samuel Alito — plus 2.162

Justice Clarence Thomas — 3.03, the most conservative justice on the SCOTUS

The likely nominee Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson will be far to the left of Sotomayor which is hard to believe.

I discussed this in detail over on my website, but Jeff Carter in his inimitable style captures the issue perfectly.



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Jan 28, 2022Liked by Jeffrey Carter

I enjoy you as much as 'cocaine Minch' these days. I think like you in so many ways, but now my reputation is probably shot dead for saying so due to where I live. Keep telling it like it is.

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Jan 27, 2022Liked by Jeffrey Carter

When he nominates a black woman will she be black enough? Clarence Thomas is not a black justice to many people to whom the color of skin still matters, in fact for them it matters a great deal, and that's most liberals nowadays.

Biden can't radicalize the court with one pick but he can do what so many other progressives have done and taken an institution that is not broken and break it with a pick that is divisive, activist, and unprofessional.

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