Mar 17Liked by Jeffrey Carter

Could you be drafted as VP? :)

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I could.

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Mar 17Liked by Jeffrey Carter

I would vote for you. All these positions are correct. The solutions are right in front of us.

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Mar 17Liked by Jeffrey Carter

It is so nice to read thoughtful, cogent commentary on the reality of our national political situation. Thank you, Jeff! My only addition would be to bring back religion into the public discourse and hope that this will encourage honesty in public life. I am so disheartened by politicians lying through their teeth and getting away with it. Same complaint for the law profession. Even more of a complaint with the news media. People who lie should face public humiliation. Truth should not be malleable like silly putty.

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Noway. If you really want a monolith Rep party in this fight, bringing religion into politic will do the opposite. Religion is divisive, everyone has their own version of "true religion" and each faction is "righteously" thinking their own set morals are superior to everyone else's. If you want something to unite people, exclude that which divide them: and that's religion.

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Mar 17Liked by Jeffrey Carter

Great synopsis

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Mar 17Liked by Jeffrey Carter

Great post Mr Carter! PDT exposed all these B*st*rds and thinking people can not unsee the evidence! We're still a country worth fighting for!

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Mar 17Liked by Jeffrey Carter

“Some people are dumb.”

You are way too kind.

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Mar 17Liked by Jeffrey Carter

-->"He is much better than the alternative."

From where I sit (NYC), there is no alternative. As soon as other Republicans learn to bring the energy and fight like Trump, then there might be some alternatives. Most of them behave as Queensberry Rules' Republicans so as to be acceptable to a media that would never vote for them. They need to be that bull in a china shop and take on the shibboleths and sacred cows and vaunted 3rd and 4th rails of politics. Politics are about choices and trade-offs and priorities. Make some, and stop taking the easy path to the soft middle of nowhere.

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Mar 17Liked by Jeffrey Carter

Gluttonous punishment is not its own reward. And I salute you for your willingness.

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Great piece! Now Write a piece about volunteering for civic duty.

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Mar 17Liked by Jeffrey Carter

Jeff, Another great article with all valid points. I am also in favor of a consumption tax. Based on your understanding of current consumption tax proposals, how would the purchase of a personal residence work? Would the transaction be taxed at the consumption tax rates or would there be some sort of exemptions?

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Mar 17·edited Mar 17Author

New homes, taxed. Otherwise, no tax. New cars, taxed. Leased new cars, taxed. Used cars, not taxed. The Fair Tax is GREEN!

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Mar 17Liked by Jeffrey Carter

It's interesting to me that the Greens have not picked up on the idea of taxing consumption as a means of reducing waste and excessive production.

Then I realize that most Greens are not actually green, but communists who have massive wealth envy and hate capitalism. It's the same reason they support "less energy" over nuclear energy -- they would rather others not have anything at all than solve the problem. Being "green" is just a cover.

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Mar 17Liked by Jeffrey Carter

Always great to read a POV I would write myself. Except I can't pull the lever for Trump. He is preferable to Biden or any demented Communist for that matter. But Trump owns a whole lot of failure that started in 2020 that I will not and cannot excuse him for.

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You are approaching this as an idealist. I didn't like Trump in 2016, either, but you vote for the best choice, not the perfect one.

If you need to convince yourself, determine that you are voting against Biden, not for Trump.

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You really need to add a double-heart to the "like" options. This was freaking outstanding. Spot on.

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Just yup.

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Mar 19·edited Mar 19

Jeff, a friend of mine own a home in Park City Utah that is valued at about $6 million and his property taxes just went up by 101% to $15,000. It used to be $7500 or so.. My home in Lake County, Illinois is assessed at $290,000 at my property taxes are about $10,000. Lake County Illinois has the highest property taxes as a percentage of home value in Illinois and the highest percentage of property taxes in Illinois as a percentage of household income. In addition to that, 11% of homeowners in Lake County, IL that have a mortgage pay more in property taxes on a monthly basis than they do on principle and interest. Excellent article by the way and I agree with everything you said. My well-off friend who is selling his home in Park City, Utah always wondered why I bitched about property taxes as I was paying more on my home that is worth 19% of his until his tax bill in 2022. Below is a link to my friend's home which is for sale for $6 million. https://www.zillow.com/homedetails/1391-Little-Kate-Rd-Park-City-UT-84060/68521504_zpid/

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Well, desperate situation requires desperate measures, and we are in one. Look at Argentine. If T. announce YOUR PROGRAM, I might vote for him (even though I don't agree 100%...maybe 85%). But the chances are slim.

And no, whatever education on pregnancy you have in mind, as a woman who carried a child to term I must tell you: a baby is not "in a totally separate environment from the mother". It's the opposite. A baby is as much part of mother's body as her leg, artery, or a brain matter.

Another thing: I'll sign in with that hypothetical quote from hypothetical suburban woman, although I am [totally] urban, know chardonnay as a piss water, and having lived in NYC vax-madness nightmare during the last 3.5yrs, would take one DeSantis against 100 Trumps.

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Absolutely agree esp. about public education. To underline the point, spending has gone up 280% per student, and in constant dollars. See here: https://reason.org/commentary/inflation-adjusted-k-12-education-spending-per-student-has-increased-by-280-percent-since-1960/ Data taken from here: https://nces.ed.gov/programs/digest/d19/tables/dt19_236.55.asp?current=yes

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