"No mean tweets"...but Biden insulted questioners, challenged people to fistfights, etc...it's hard to see how any honest person could have thought he would improve the tone.

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People with dementia can be violent. It's a coping skill.

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Your last paragraph says it perfectly and reflects my long standing sentiments. Well written my friend

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How can a low IQ person like Tlaib be in a position of power? She literally doesn’t have the brain or credentials to be questioning bankers. She can’t even pronounce the word “Celsius”. We have to do better with our elected officials.

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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cesSRfXqS1Q I give you the intellect of Congressman Hank Johnson.

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> 3200 might be a point to take a sniff and buy. That is 16x earnings for stocks in the S+P

I think what "you" will smell is the stink of generally lowered earnings such that the reasonable PE of 16 can't be reached. In other words, 3200 may not be low enough - unless you know and understand why you are in the "market".

People like Rashida Tlaib don't understand or simply deny reality as seen in the importance of fossil fuels - even when it is explained to them. I was struck by this when reading the latter half of your post that takes some effort to understand. We're ruled by insane idiots.

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Tlaib and Co have other goals. Getting rid of the Republic, and instituting a Deep State govt.

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Ah, yes, the Curley Effect writ large. Thanks for the reminder.

And the insane idiots are their voters.

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Why do you think that voters are the problem and not systematic election fraud in deep blue cities?

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I don't think there is "election fraud" in blue cities because what they did was change all the laws to permit fraud-so it's not technically fraud! Case and point: I was an election judge in Chicago. In the training they told us to let someone vote even if their signature didn't match. Their reason: What if they had a stroke or something and the signature changed? What if they were holding something or slipped? That's one practice but there are a gazillion others that have been codified into law or procedure that allows them to steal it.

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Your example is election fraud. And it is systematic election fraud because that same example happened and is happening all over the country. Election fraud is conducted by the people in power. I would also assess that all those unsigned ballots are also systematic election fraud as was shown in 2000 Mules.

Not trying to be in opposition to you personally. I think is is awesome that you are willing to speak your mind in substack.

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I am happy you raised the point! I watched 2000 Mules and while it certainly was biased, it wasn't untrue. I think there is statistical evidence that there might have been election fraud in 2020. Unfortunately, no one has proven it or had the chance to prove it in an objective court of law. There was also the ingredients for fraud. Zuckerberg money. Mainstream media bias. Clear intent by the Democrats especially given their soft coup in 2016.

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There is indeed "systematic election fraud in deep blue cities" and it's very important. But for me that alone doesn't explain the complete and utter dominance of the Democrat party in virtually every major city for roughly the last 50 years.

Using the recent election in Mpls as an example, one might think it would be a referendum of sorts over the last three years, and, no, the Democrat dominance was again extended to every single ward - wait, there was a socialist elected in the ward around the University of MN (which last elected a Green). Voters have some responsibility.

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I did say that election fraud happens in blue cities, so you are correct that most big cities or parts of cities are blue because voters are Democrats.

But, there is always a but, I have seen results from inner-city voting precincts with 98% or 110% participation [edited] rates. Milwaukee is my my example but I believe that happens in Philly as well. That is how blue run city election fraud changes the results in state wide elections.

Recap, blue voters create blue power havens that affects entire states and the country with systematic election fraud.

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> with 98% or 110% precipitation rates

That made me smile.

I completely agree with your final paragraph.

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Jamie Dimon, like Bill Maher, believes in himself and not much else.

When the time for betrayal comes, Dimon will be at the head of the betrayers, simultaneously bawling for a bailout for himself.

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Why would we clear a DVP market?

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Gensler wants to clear so they have their tentacles in everything. As Craig points out all markets don't lend themselves to clearing and clearing can actually destabilize a market.

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