Feb 1Liked by Jeffrey Carter

I get the feeling (since I'm from Chicago) that the moderate left liberals are looking at all this and they're not sure what to do. They won't vote for a Republican (icky!) and they want to be seen as *problem solvers* not political animals, but they know they are on a runaway train going the wrong way.

The City was historically run with an iron fist and with its various tribes, but it generally had common sense. Sure, there were the nuts and the political barking, but it was part of the game.

These folks running things now are the True Believers. The Machine has transformed, and rather than being as much about graft, it's now about ideology. These Believers need Kool-Aid, and they get very noisy when their cup runs low. They know this is probably their best chance of all time to implement every crazy Progressive ideal they've wanted. They are going for it, and going for it HARD.

The aforementioned liberals don't know what to do, so they will smile like an abused housewife and pretend that everything is just fine, just fine at home. "Things will work out!"

A lot of properties are getting seized in downtown right now, and vacancy rates are at all time highs. There is a transformation on the ground, and the current politicos are pretending that there's nothing amiss.

I'm looking to liquidate everything I can this year. Wish me luck.

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Feb 1Liked by Jeffrey Carter

I left Chicago almost 26 years ago. I have viewed with no joy what has happened to my hometown since then.

It is very, very sad to watch. That being said, people need to tell the truth about what has happened to a once-great city.

You know what? Here’s the truth: Chicago/Cook County Democrats are and have been the new hillbillies. And I mean all of them. Every single one of them.

Tell them to their faces. When you talk to them, tell them what you think of them.

Don’t mince words. Ask them why they were so cocky for so many years.

And then tell them all to go f—- themselves. Every single one of them.

I won’t go back.

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Feb 1Liked by Jeffrey Carter

But Trump makes mean Tweets, Darren Bailey speaks with a drawl, and Paul Vallas is from the last generation....so the completely inane voters elected Biden, Pritzker and Johnson.

We get the politicians the voters deserve.

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Feb 1Liked by Jeffrey Carter

I thought the Vallas thing would be the first time in a while that the sane liberals of the City would take charge and give the reins to the adults for a few years. It was close.

The union did what it does best -- they mobilized their machine, turned out just enough votes to get their guy in, and they ran the table.

We now have unfettered Progressivism, and we are going to see one hell of a decline in the coming years.

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Either Vallas ignored the sensible 20% of the voters in Chicago, or the % of sensible voters in Chicago is shrinking. I know several Republicans who did not vote for him for Vallas' really dumb remarks about Trump and the police unions.


Just reading through the illegal immigrant hub-bub in Wilmette (buses are dropping off illegals around town) and scratching my head as people are really upset about migrants coming to town in the cold weather. Well gee...maybe don't vote for the utter loons who won't enforce border security and we would have a 'humanitarian crisis'

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Progressives and immigration doesn't make any sense to me at all. It's as if they really don't understand the consequences of it. Like they can't figure out why Trump was single-handedly elected in his first campaign for his immigration stance.

I realize that the most cynical Democrats believe that immigration helps their cause with both proportionate representation (more seats in blue states every 10 years than otherwise) and in voters. But a lot of bleeding hearts otherwise truly feel that it's a "humanitarian" issue and that we should "be better" as they say on Twitter. They don't realize that there is no way we will ever even make a dent in worldwide poverty even by accepting millions of people a year. They just don't get it. They also don't understand that we don't have unlimited resources for this.

I always wanted Progressives to have the "lived experience" of unfettered illegal immigration, and now they're getting it.

Suddenly they've stopped virtue signaling, and now they're unhappy.

Imagine how shortsighted and so intellectually vacuous that is -- to go from screaming about the virtues of immigration a couple years ago to now screaming that it's taking YOUR neighborhood's resources and causing you problems.

These people amaze me, and in no good ways.

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In Wilmette, they still scream out their virtue...then proceed to put illegal immigrants on a Metra Train and send them to Chicago.

I do know one person who has opened up her very large home as a migrant shelter. What she is doing is illegal, and dangerous, but one of the few non-hypocrites among the people who put the 'No Person is Illegal' signs in their yards.

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Feb 1Liked by Jeffrey Carter

It's not just that this is truly evil (it is), but what in hell business of Chicago is this?

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Feb 1Liked by Jeffrey Carter

They're marking their territory. Like a dog urinating on the neighbor's fence, they're showing everyone who's in their tribe and who isn't.

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Virtue signaling. Bragging rights and clout amongst their peers. Also marching orders from Obama.

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Feb 1Liked by Jeffrey Carter

As the saying goes: None are so blind as those who refuse to see.

There has long been a history of antisemitism in the Black community. It was papered over during the MLK era but it was always bubbling beneath the surface. In a sense you can't blame them. It's a very human thing. Everyone needs someone or some group to look down on. For WASPS it was the everyone not a WASP: Catholics, the Irish, the Italians, the Chinese, the Japanese the Poles, Puerto Ricans, the Mexicans, the Fillintheblank, etc. As those groups assimilated it was the Blacks. Low group on the totem pole of groups. The Blacks needed their own group to look down on. Presto The Jews! Why not? Everyone else was doing it, now their turn. So not a surprise. The tragedy isn't that it happened. The tragedy is the leaders should have worked against it and didn't. As in Been there and had that done to us, we've walked the mile in your shoes. Instead they embraced it. Makes them feel better and powerful. But it will make everything worse. No happy ending here with everyone sitting around the campfire singing Kumbia.

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Feb 1Liked by Jeffrey Carter

Cook County Skool of Bidness opens the next Chapter of our Color Revolution. Notice the silence from Preckwinkle, Inc.? They’re already on board.

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Feb 1Liked by Jeffrey Carter

On my last train ride home, 18 years ago, I looked back to the east from the upper deck of the BNSF, wanting to see and remember the city lights as long as I could, until they disappeared. They did, and now it’s all chaos and destruction. There’s a song from the Northern Ireland Troubles, about Derry in the 70s, called “The Town I Loved So Well.” It’s past tense for a reason.

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Feb 1Liked by Jeffrey Carter

Dark forces are on the march. The selection of Biden was always obviously going to lead to things like this. I mean you’d have to be pretty dumb or naive not to expect it. Or maybe some people actually hoped for it. Wider war is coming whether we like it or not. Forces are in motion. And it doesn’t matter who runs the show anymore. These things have a momentum all their own.

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Feb 1Liked by Jeffrey Carter

"How do societies implode? Slowly, then all at once..." Still trying to get out of this hellscape! Great post Mr Carter!

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Feb 1Liked by Jeffrey Carter

Turn Palestine into a parking lot and have Jesse the shakedown artist attend it.

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Logic is no prophylactic for the terminally delusional. Will the roughly 75 percent of Jews who vote Democrat once again come “home” by Election Day — to the profoundly antisemitic Democrat party? Will they again bring their fundraising, support, propaganda, and votes to a political movement that despises them? https://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2024/02/on_progressive_jewish_angst.html

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https://x.com/SafeSuburbsUSA/status/1754262635346862491?s=20 I applaud the leadership in Chicago's Jewish community for doing this.

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