Jul 6Liked by Jeffrey Carter

The Democrats are in a stinking bed of their own making..pop the popcorn.

For me the worst thing about this is the glamorizing of Bidens past. He is a fabulist, a pathological exaggerator, and an outright liar....and he ALWAYS HAS BEEN. You could say Donald Trump has exactly those same character flaws, but Biden did that at the expense of others his entire public life and more recently at the expense of the country. Trump does it to burnish his own ego and forward his business interests.

Biden tried to portray himself as a brilliant jurist during the Clarence Thomas confirmation hearings. Biden lied and continues to lie about a drunk truck driver killing his first wife and child. That poor guy's life was ruined by Joe Biden...and for what? Why lie about the poor soul who has to live with that?

Biden is an asshole. He doesn't deserve these fawning lines that Washington apologist Peggy Noonan writes:

"You got us out of Afghanistan. You passed huge FDR-level bills that transformed the social safety net. . . . You did your job in history. You fulfilled your role."

Obama saw it years ago when he said not to doubt Joe's ability to fuck things up.

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Jul 6Liked by Jeffrey Carter

You are correct, JB is a huge dissapointment. He was very reasonable when he ran against Jan Schakowsky and Howard Carrol maybe 25 years ago now for US Rep. Centrist, Bill Clinton Democrat, running against the Evanston/Rogers Park hard left.

Now his politics are practically identical to Jan Schakowsky and the lunatic left....this while running his own finance offshore for a couple of generations now, free from US Taxes.

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deletedJul 6
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Jul 6Liked by Jeffrey Carter

Ah, I was referring to Governor Pritzker, who is younger. Also JB, and with a terrible track record.

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Jul 6Liked by Jeffrey Carter

WI can’t change the ballot, unless someone has died. Given that their own state Supremes have OKd free range ballot boxes again, it’s fairly evident “The Steal 2” is a go. With a “bizarre gardening accident” to follow forthwith.

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Jul 6Liked by Jeffrey Carter

Oh yes.

Then there’s Killary on her book/rehab tour.

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No, no, no, no and no.

They have now only 21 days before they nominate Rutabaga or LOSE OH completely, and I mean the senate race, probably a house race or two, and all downtickets. Their internal polling shows what everybody publicly won't admit: Harris/Gruesome/Cankles poll FAR worse than Rutbaga, ESPECIALLY in the EC with WI, MI, PA, MN. Anyone other than Rutabaga=a 360 EV loss up to 400. Rutabaga right now is only at 320.

BTW, since Feb. 2023, when I called how the court cases would turn out to how the GOP primary (stupid as it was) would go, I have been 100% right this cycle.

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Jul 6Liked by Jeffrey Carter

It’s got to be Biden or Harris because their accumulated campaign money can’t be moved to anyone else.

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Jul 6Liked by Jeffrey Carter

Two things. 1) Biden is literally impervious to the increasing pressure to resign or quit the race. He's badly diminished & unable to recognize what's occurring. Plus Jill is isolating him from Democratic leaders. 2) If Jill is somehow convinced to withdraw Joe's candidacy, the replacement candidate must be Kamala Harris. Passing over the first woman/black/Asian VP would be the death knell of Democrats this cycle.

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Jul 6Liked by Jeffrey Carter

Governor JB Toilets probably could not survive a lengthy campaign without keeling over from a heart attack or stroke, but an abbreviated campaign like this could be might be doable for him.

The fact is, and it is fact, the only person who polls favorably against Donald Trump is Michelle Obama. Despite her denial of a willingness to be President, I doubt her ego would allow her to turn down the offer if it comes along. If that happens, you will see the biggest knockdown drag out brawl of all time in the shortest period of time.

Joe Biden's pride and ego will probably not allow him to step away unless Dr Jill insists on it and I don't see that happening.

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Jul 6Liked by Jeffrey Carter

Her self-disbarment should come up at some point. It came up with Barack was running, but the media censored the story. Doubt they could do that today with social media being more prevalent and freer than it was.

Also her father was a no-show worker for the Emil Jones machine, which is likely regarded as a good thing by Democrat voters who sole purpose in power is padding their government payments .

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Jul 6Liked by Jeffrey Carter

Biden is a despicable, petty, vindictive man. Always has been. In his decline, the part of the brain that will be the last to go will be his ego. It is gigantic -- how else can he lie like he has for 50 years and act like it's true? He really does think he's the smartest guy in the room, even when his colleagues like Orin Hatch and Arlen Specter are playing him for everything they want. So getting him out of the White House should be epic. And there's a small chance they won't be able to get him out. As to Kamala Harris -- everyone underestimates her. She is no genius and seemingly doesn't have good political skills, yet somehow she was AG, Senator and now she is vice-president and poised to take the White House. Not bad for an air head DEI or what ever you want to call it. Don't dismiss her out of hand. She got herself here, and she will likely get the nomination.

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Jul 6Liked by Jeffrey Carter

There are a few drawbacks to that ticket. They both have zero national name recognition, and zero Foreign Policy cred while wars rage. Their immigration positions will not be popular. An all white ticket will further boost Trump with blacks and Hispanics. And you lose access to the Biden Harris war chest.

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Jul 6Liked by Jeffrey Carter

You are all wrong Mouchelle Obama will come in and save the country. She will blow trump out and it will be Barack the magic negros 4th and 5th term!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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100% agree. My scenario has Kamala flipping her middle finger to the Democratic Party, invoking the 25th knowing the Party will never allow her to have any position at any level after this. Because she will have Secret Service protection, Hill couldn't get to her.

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I love how the media covers....the polls are tightening.....probably oversampled Dems

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Pritzker family is scum

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Great observations Mr Carter. I'm not getting cocky, but the Dems brought this on themselves and PDT has shown remarkable discipline all through the law fare bull-shite they've thrown his way. People in this country are beyond pissed off at the mess the progressive (Marxist) Dems and the establishment Republicans have gotten us into! We need to hang together and be prepared for the onslaught of crap they're going to throw at us before and after the election! The cornered rats are the most dangerous, and they aren't going to go quietly.

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Whitler, Whitless, Sh!tsmear, Stretchin',... the meme names are endless and appropriate for this wannabe tyrant. Big Gretch would be a massive burden for the Dems, there are wayyy too many receipts out there.

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well maybe. I've seen the same prediction from others. I don't think Dr. Jill will go gently into that good night and they will not exit stage left unless forced. Biden doesn't have supporters. He has people who want to keep their jobs, access to power, et al. If you are the President in all but name you don't want to give that up. Harris is the same. She has her crew. They all do, D and R alike. Part of the dislike of Trump was he had almost no ties to the R's and brought in his own crew. Sometimes good, a lot not. Terrible judge of character. If Biden goes they go and new people come in. A lot of Biden people are Obama people. When Obama came in Hillary people left (ie were replaced). Obama kept a lot of his people in under Biden. Obama's third term. If Biden goes they go. The Harris people come in. They are not Obama people. They won't want to leave either. No man is an island. More of an island group in this case. Most normal Pols are peninsulas. Connected to the main body of land. Dr Jill isn't and I don't think Biden is either, at least anymore. Jill has no ties to the D's. I think she'd be more than willing to pull it all down. Ditto Hunter and Biden's bother and sister. Not much written about them but they have made a lot of money with Joe. Joe goes the money trains comes to a halt. Probably will anyway but the longer it keeps on rolling the better for them. And screw the rest of you losers.

They may all go, but it will be kicking and screaming all the way. Whitmer is in a better position than Newsom but they stink just won't go when Biden leaves. There are people who will pull the D lever no matter what. Same way with communists, or any other group of fanatics. And probably a lot of Trump supporters as well. But most people aren't Whitmer would have a difficult time rejecting all of Biden's follies. The media would help but it would still be an uphill struggle. Even worse it the economy gets really bad and wars erupt in far off places that aren't that far off.

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