India used to be socialist like China. Maybe worse. In the years after independence from Great Britain, the first Indian Prime Minister, Jawaharlal Nehru, was a big fan of socialism. 5 years plans, 80 government departments to check on “permission” to grow or introduce a business in India. It worked very briefly. Then it didn’t. For decades.

A prime example is the “License Raj.” You can read a good article about that here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Licence_Raj

When cell phone took off in Asia, India was one of the last countries to adopt them. Why? Local telecomm unions put up roadblocks. They wanted to protect their jobs dealing with landlines! That was one of the last straws.

Finally in the early 1990s a new spirit changed the direction of India’s economy. The government got rid of the old regulations and introduced many market based reforms. And basically got out of the way. Things started out slowly but then they boomed.

In the medium to longer term a free economy always wins over central planning. Millions of people deciding beats the decisions of a few dozen. Also, communist regimes don’t seem to last longer than 70 years. The People’s Republic of China was founded in 1949.

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Interesting insight about Pritzker. There are a lot of would-be totalitarians in this country today.

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The USA should be developing the closest possible relationship with India. They are the obvious counter to China in that part of the world.

India has a very close, long standing relationship with Russia which is a problem, plus the Brits have always frowned on the USA cozying up to India.

India is a natural US ally based on shared values.




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China is NOT an ethnically diverse country.

It is:

92% Han Chinese

1.27% Zhuang Chinese

0.79% Hui Chinese

0.78% Manchu Chinese

This lack of diversity is exactly how and why they persecute the Uyghers.

China is capitalist within 100 miles of its coastline, backward in the hinterlands, has more than 200 cities of more than 1,000,000 people, and run by brutal Communists under the Chinese Social Credit System wherein every single citizen is graded as to his/her adherence to CCP dictates.

You cannot get a bloody train ticket without being CSCS approved. More than 17MM Chinese were denied rail travel last year.

They are engaged in a fierce hegemonic struggle to subjugate the world while still struggling to feed their own people.

At the top, China is stuck in 1949 and cannot embrace simple truths like Taiwan is not part of China or a "wayward" province.

Meanwhile they own Joe Biden, Hunter Biden and our top generals are studying white rage, white supremacy, and CRT.




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I hope you are correct. India has a lot of problems, but since it is a free country, it's problems are out in the open, not concealed by government power, as in China. Lot's of potential in India. I hope they can increase their growth and raise their people out of poverty.

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