
Mr. Carter -

This is one of the best combinations of English words I have ever read presented with a foundation of insurmountable evidence and logic.

We are on the precipice of revolution whether we acknowledge it or not.

Well played.

You are on fire. Keep it up.



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If you're not in a position financially to tell them to go to hell, the next best thing is to get involved with elections at the local level through the election board or through the local party. 2022 is going to be a blood bath and it will include many incumbents in safe districts -- unless we let them cheat (through harvesting, mail in ballots that have never been folded . . . ) Find out what the current law is (someone must know) and how you can become an observer or poll watcher.

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this is true. serve as an election judge as well, and be strident in your enforcement of the rules. when an apparatchik confronts you-they will, turn your phone on and video.

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Agree more with you than you do with yourself. Bravo and well played.



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Great post, Jeffrey. And not just because it's like you've been reading my own notes. I read Atlas Shrugged decades ago (along with a slew of other Rand writings). And though I know philosophers, both actual and pretend, scoff at Ayn Rand as a thinker, she presciently saw the path we're on now. I could see it creeping in, in the 70's and 80's. But it been shifted into high gear now that we've had a couple of generations who have gone through indoctrination from K-12 and University levels. They're now part of the workforce, making decisions, running education, running media, political policy, economic policy, even public health policy. They been fully miseducated, and know nothing, but they love their degrees.

I've been wondering when the people who love freedom will go on strike. What will it take to just finally throw up your hands and say, "I'm not going along with this any longer. I'm not playing anymore." It takes courage. But when you look at the direction we're going, it's now...or never.

There are too many who don't even understand that their rights come from nature, or if you will, from God. If you believe only Government can grant you your rights, and are willing to give government that power over you, then you will not be surprised to learn shortly afterward that anything the government grants you, they can take away. And they are.

Your natural rights are yours. And nothing can take them away, unless you let them. Our Government is supposed to work for us. They forgot that a long time ago and have acted like we are there to prop them up, support them, pay for them. But it's only recent that the people also forgot this. The founders of this country knew this could happen. They worried that we might not be up to the task of keeping a constitutionally limited republic. They were, of course, correct.

So...Who is John Galt?

Let's go Brandon.

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Yupppp, it's time.

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Very strong comment. Well played.



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I’m with you 100%. I do the same thing as you with masks. They are compelled speech. I was terminated because I dared criticize a Covid stance by a popular LinkedIn member earlier this year. I wasn’t mean or rude, just pointed out the obvious. Next day the company had to part ways, but not before an all company email was sent out about a social media lesson for everyone later that week was scheduled. There is only a vaccine mandated by Biden’s decree and yet companies are doing it. We must object. Keep up the good work.

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I am lucky being self-employed but it is not without its consequences. I am also lucky I saved enough to retire if I want to. I have friends and acquaintances that are not so lucky.

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So, they demand trucking companies enforce the vaccine mandate so truckers strike. Food becomes scarce in the blue cities. They try to get the National Guard to drive the trucks but a lot of the Guard cannot be used as they don’t get the vaccine. Food riots break out and the blue cities become dystopian hellholes. Popcorn anyone

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imagine if all the logistics workers got sick. at once...

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remember, a lot of them are union employees, supposedly Democrats....we will find out which constituency Biden's henchmen value; the woke or the workers.

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Here here! I was delayed during my travels this weekend via Southwest, and I supported every minute of the delay. Go Southwest pilots! I'm proud of the stand they are taking, and I support those that resist government restrictions on freedom.

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History doesn't repeat itself, but it rhymes...


Secessio plebis (withdrawal of the commoners, or secession of the plebs) was an informal exercise of power by Rome's plebeian citizens, similar in concept to the general strike. During the secessio plebis, the plebs would abandon the city en masse in a protest emigration and leave the patrician order to themselves. Therefore, a secessio meant that all shops and workshops would shut down and commercial transactions would largely cease. This was an effective strategy in the Conflict of the Orders due to strength in numbers; plebeian citizens made up the vast majority of Rome's populace and produced most of its food and resources, while a patrician citizen was a member of the minority upper class, the equivalent of the landed gentry of later times. Authors report different numbers for how many secessions there were. Cary & Scullard state there were five between 494 BC and 287 BC.[1]

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