Jun 1Liked by Jeffrey Carter

Nice to have a reminder of northern MN in your Vegas home.

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Jun 1Liked by Jeffrey Carter

Lots of history, and labor, and skill...and expense. The result is impressive - it works well with your fur rug. The only thing I'd suggest, out of experience with transparent glass tops - use a tinted glass, for safety

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it's tinted. just doesn't look like it from the photo

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Jun 1Liked by Jeffrey Carter

Jeff, beautiful work, and I know it was a lot of work, contrary to your assertions otherwise. A principle to use the lease work possible to gain your vision -- in short, capitalistic. It's why I love your perspective, because as a rather successful white collar guy, you not only know what a multimaster is, but can use one! Why do the "highly educated" think they don't need to know anything of the physical world, or reality? The same people that are running a great bit of of county now have only contempt for that, and it shows. Why is the Gaza pier coming to mind.... Thanks for sharing.

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Jun 1·edited Jun 1Liked by Jeffrey Carter

Going on a tangent for a min, re: that pier...Aesop here: https://raconteurreport.blogspot.com/2024/05/ruminate-sil-vous-plait.html

has a point:

"Work with me for a minute or two.

What happens if we build the damned thing, and it works?

"Humanitarian" aid starts moving into Gaza. A trickle at first, but eventually, a steady flow. Which takes more pressure off of Hamas, and puts more pressure on Israel to stop doing the sensible thing by exterminating this problem for all time, and relenting, yet again, to face it again in a few months or years."

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Jun 1Liked by Jeffrey Carter

Way cool Mr Carter!

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Jun 1Liked by Jeffrey Carter

It looks beautiful, you and your wife should go is business.

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She's pretty talented, but don't think she will be going into the furniture business!

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Jun 1Liked by Jeffrey Carter

good job Jeff!!!

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not me, my wife!

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Jun 1Liked by Jeffrey Carter

Man! Growing up in northern WI, this brings back a flood of great memories. I love it. There is such great satisfaction in creating something both beautiful and useful. The pinnacle of human achievement!

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Jun 1Liked by Jeffrey Carter

That is truly beautiful! Great story too.

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Great story! Great piece of furniture. You have a talent.

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not me, my wife!

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Jun 1Liked by Jeffrey Carter

Custom piece with a good story to go with it. The best kind of furnishings!

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Jun 1Liked by Jeffrey Carter

I love it!!!

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Jun 1Liked by Jeffrey Carter

Very cool!

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Nicely done Jeff! The Eames chair in the background is a nice touch too!

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Very nice. Congrats. That looks like a struggle that was worth it in the end; and you get a trophy as well.

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You outkicked your coverage when you got married brother😂👏💯

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Love it! Beautiful table! Like you, Jeff, Northern White Cedars ring my shorefront here in Northeastern Wisconsin, and I love them. Here they hang on to, or out of, the dolomite cliffs until a brutal storm blows them over.

Surprisingly, they do not grow around the lakes in North Central Minnesota south of you where my dad was born and my siblings still own cottages. There the shoreline is composed of glacial till with hardwood forests like Maples and White Pines.

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