Aug 21·edited Aug 22Liked by Jeffrey Carter

I agree with Vivek and you also. The institutions begat by the post-Depression era have ripened and now finally rotted. One of the worst is the SEC. They completely ignored warnings by a forensic accountant about B. Madoff and his schemes that would harm the market (and his clients) because he had filled out his paperwork correctly, so really what could they do? And somehow they never saw the mortgage meltdown in 2008 coming--although various experts outside of govt certainly did. What good are they anyway?

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Aug 21Liked by Jeffrey Carter

Prayers for your mom and your family.

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thanks, Mom passed away today.

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Aug 22Liked by Jeffrey Carter

I am so sorry, Jeff.

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Aug 22Liked by Jeffrey Carter

So sorry, Jeff.

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Aug 21Liked by Jeffrey Carter

Jeffrey. Wonderful overview of the Administrative state. Remember that the Government, in all the job stats for the last several years, was the second largest group and source of job hires too. [After Healthcare]. Good luck with your parents. Never easy.

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And with more than fifty percent of healthcare revenue originating in public sector (Medicare/medicaid and ObamaCare subsidies), healthcare is a quasi-governmental

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Prayers for your mom.

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thanks, Mom passed away today.

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Aug 21Liked by Jeffrey Carter

Prayers for Mom, and you and your family Jeff.

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Thanks ZIM. She passed peacefully today.

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Aug 21Liked by Jeffrey Carter

Barack Obama says it is fear mongering to say the government is corrupt. Of course he would! This is the president who approved the greatest scandal in presidential elections by allowing then candidate Trump to be put under surveillance as a Russian agent, and then continued the lie after Trump's election.

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Aug 21Liked by Jeffrey Carter

Census Bureau, which gathers the data for the BLS, was moved fully under White House purview by then Chief Of Staff, Rahm Emanuel, as almost his first course of business. "Created or Saved" soon followed. That being said, today's headline was the re-adjusted "Seasonally Adjusted" data, most of these discrepancies show up in the Non-Seasonally Adjusted data, every month. The Census Bureau has never been "moved back out" but some of the "Seasonality" of the data has been steadily removed. Might be a sterner lot if they made the Bureau of Standards collect the data. They really don't allow fudging of data.

Best wishes for a peaceful rest for your mom..

(Duluth airport is definitely one of the better remodeling jobs in the area, IMOO. Just don't get sold on the idea of flying there in Feb. No place to hide from that lake breeze.)

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She decided to pass today

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My prayers for her, you, and your family. May she find the joy and peace she has so clearly earned.

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Aug 21Liked by Jeffrey Carter

May your mother be free of pain and secure in knowing that she is loved.

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I wonder how many of the 2.1 million jobs that were created were government jobs or part time jobs. I will say a prayer for your mother to get well.

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Oddly, govt jobs were revised up. Go figure!

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Aug 21Liked by Jeffrey Carter

Prayers for your mom and family.

And yea, the government sux.

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Aug 21Liked by Jeffrey Carter

Remember the old, old saying (my grandfather said it in the 50s): “Ah, OK for government work.”

We accept mediocre performance at best from most government services and are extremely surprised when someone knows and does their job well.


“As of July 2024, about 13% of the US workforce works for federal, state and local governments, is approximately 20.3 million people”

And compared to socialist neighbor to the north, Canada

“On average, 20.4% of Canadian workers are employed by the various levels of government (this includes federal and provincial), which is about one in five workers.”

The % difference that Canada has is expected due to their additional governmental programs.

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I'm even starting to rethink "defense"... let's go back to Department of War - which scales up ONLY when war is actually declared versus standing force and executive action.

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Chainsaw Revolution, baby! Cut Behemoth off at the knees. Dead weight. Make government employees private again!

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Catching up. Only 6000+ emails to go. Very sorry to hear about your mother's passing. Been there , done that. It's never easy., never.

As for the tax man. It's unrealized returns on unfulfilled promises for benefits never delivered. Such as it ever was.

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Well, the attacks on cooking the books does appear partisan (in both directions) in its orientation, as you've outlined. Does that not suggest that, perhaps, manipulation is not going on? When whichever party not controlling the WH consistently complains, perhaps it's the complaints that are partisan, and such complaints are not empirically based.

Though, to your point--perhaps an answer is found in the data as collected being made available to all who wish to analyze it. An entire subindustry could spring up...

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Get rid of them-good idea, very good bargaining position.

8 yr max employment contract with all Fed agencies, then no Fed contracts for 8 years. Should be a law that applies to all bureaucrats, but allows shutting them down.

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