I'm surprised you watched it. I don't watch anything that these people produce. It has no value to me, as it is just propaganda. Somewhere behind some curtain there is a guy or group of people making a phone call to do a favor for some Democrat to propagandize another one of their f-ups. That's all it is -- a propaganda machine.

I choose not to be a part of it, and I only read information that is authentic and independent. The only way the power of legacy corporate media is diminished is if no one talks about their propaganda. And 60 Minutes is definitely propaganda.

I realize it's infuriating and unjust and untrue, but why waste your time with it? If it's to help others understand how untruthful it is, then I guess I can understand that, but I think even that gives them legitimacy, because then they are in the center of the conversation, and that's where they want to be. They want you to watch and get angry or get happy, because it makes them relevant.

Deny them the clicks, the ratings, the comments and perhaps more will lose interest. Their power fades and they become irrelevant.

That's what we need.

That's why I read your blog right now, rather than read CNN articles. I learn nothing from the latter.

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It was pre-trial cover for his parents and their laundry system. Jury pool tainting.

Best of luck, professors.

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Your point about deception is key, but as a sidebar you (or the preacher) missed the point: the fall of Man indeed brought death to all men, as the inevitable consequence of sin aka turning away from God, thinking we know better).

Where I have hope is in just that dark aspect of human nature, pride and its epitome, hubris. These 'We Know Best' psychos were doing pretty well slowly boiling the frog since the '60s, but the Obummer years made them cocky, the Trump years made them panic, and what they saw as the gigantic success of the lockdown years has made them lose all perspective. Now they think they don't even need to try hard to deceive - any old transparently false narrative will do.

Irrationality has been taken so far, so fast, however, that the wheels are coming off the bus. Lots of people know the emperor has no clothes and is driving us off a cliff. (I say "we" are going over the cliff because those idiots are idiots and don't know how to do anything real. They haven't thought ahead to who is going to produce lovely things and fix the a/c or clean bathrooms on the yacht when they imagine the rest of us would own nothing and eat bugs.) Maybe not enough, yet, but since they're not letting up, more people see it every day.

Less metaphorically, I shudder to think what will ensue when they do whatever they feel they have to do to stay in power in 2024, but in the long run their damage will be cauterized. I hope it's only messy and not truly chaotic, and that we and ours make it through to the other side.

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Ya, I didn't digress into the whole sermon.....and agree with you about the rest.

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It's fascinating, but mostly sad, that we are stuck in a system run by people that know so much they are stupid. Does no one setting policy in Washington know anything about inflation, current and historical? How about respiratory disease like influenza? Maybe that people in Iraq, Iran, Congo do not hold the same values as middle class Americans so go a little easy on shoving the pride agenda at them. Basic biology like male female. It's not that hard, and yet . . . . So we're stuck. And soon, thanks to "misinformation" Jeff will need to apply for a hall pass to be allowed on the internet to spew his hate speech about this punk and his parents. The pass will be denied, and the less we know the easier we will be led. (I hope substack is investing in it's own server system so it can't be unplugged)

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Hell no we are not going to take it anymore

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I agree with everything you point out. I used to love watching 60 min as a kid with my grandparents. It's so utterly nauseating and biased now that I can't stomach it unless I'm in the mood for a clown show.

Airing this before his trial, maybe they can sway a juror or two? If that guy does not get at least 12 years like Holmes, then you know the money he paid out, and his parent's influence, will have worked it's magic.

But I never knew that fire alarms were not marked clearly enough. Have to get with the times fire alarms.

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And they even called Garland a moderate 😂 You really can't make it up. I need to stop watching this episode now. Everyone in their bubble must like it.

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Michael Lewis has made a lot of money pitching books that tend to take a myopic viewpoint at best, a very pre-concieved biased perspective at worse and goes about constructing such within the pages of each book. His book Moneyball is a classic example and there are several places to go and see people tear it appart for all that he ignores to prove that baseball is nothing but a bunch of equations. Even the Big Short he really misses the boat on what lead to the crash. I have attached a link to an article written in June of 2009 regarding the crash. This is still one of the best if not in fact the best article ever written about what happened that lead us to the crash of 2008-09. It is also the cure for insomnia.


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For a similar reason I haven't watched SNL this century, neither have I watched 60Min, i.e., neither delivers their promised humor or news. Meanwhile, both adhere to delivering The Narrative.

If Michael Lewis has devolved to flogging books on 60Min, he's really sunk to new lows.

Having said all that, like a good intelligence operation, it's necessary to surveil the channels of information to discover underlying messages, in order to separate the wheat from the chaff.

On the other hand, most of what legacy media produces can be easily anticipated, simply by noting the target audience--like "This is Spinal Tap," it's increasingly selective.

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60 Minutes used it mostly to say SBF was working with Republicans to get rid of Trump, and that SBF wasn't all that bad.

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So, 60Min used a trowel to thickly spread The Narrative--or more accurately a shovel, as in shoveling "it."

I wonder if Michael Lewis was happy to participate in that "telling" of SBF. Conceding that Lewis is a Democrat, his genre is pointing out Wall Street greed, arrogance, and other vices, with a few stories of upstarts battling "established" Wall St. You'd need a shoehorn to press SBF into that motif.

Thanks for watching a venue I've long since absented myself.

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Thanks for watching that shite so I don't have too! Great post Mr Carter. I imagine it gets harder and harder to pick which piece of corrupt nonsense you want to write about next!

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And by the way his original book on 2008 was totally incorrect




Regulation that caused the crash

Community Reinvestment Act




Every bank did the same


Lehman and bear did most of the origination

You starting to understand!!!!!

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"Sunday Morning" has gone to hell in a bucket too. The leftists destroy everything in their wake.

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We are all upset because these communists are the same as they have in Russia

It’s a race to the bottom except for the chosen few

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Pretty sure Eve died. Unless she’s still alive. If so, would love to hear from her (Zir?)

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Not after eating the fruit because she gave some to Adam.

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"Reason is, and ought only to be the slave of the passions, and can never pretend to any other office than to serve and obey them." - David Hume

Politics is a religion these days. Bankman Fried is just a misunderstood do-gooder. Trump, Paul, Vance are shining a light on the deep state that keeps the common man down. None of it stands up to any examination.

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Can someone exactly articulate how Trump is putting our democracy in danger? Actions please....I will agree he is thin skinned, narcissistic, unpleasant, and doesn't speak the way I'd like a President to comport himself....but every time he is accused of something its really the Dems that are actually doing it (stealing elections, Russia etc) or its unfounded.

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And I agree with you on religion. It's how a congressperson that pulls a fire alarm deliberately (and was a school principle) can say he didn't know what he was doing and get cover in the press....

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And where does Blago go to get his reputation back! At least he tried to sell the IL seat to people from IL!

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No kidding....

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Trump is a disloyal American. He's continued to try to sow doubt about the 2020 election even though he's lost at every court. Nixon, Gore, and Clinton all behaved much more honorably in the face of a close election. Of course he could never have stayed. As he's about as competent a villain as Moe, Larry, and Curly. The last straw should be how he views and treats soldiers as tchotchkes. They're a representation of power, not values. No power, no worth in his mind. He should be viewed in the same light as Jeffrey Epstein - as sleazy as it gets and persona non grata.

From a political perspective the Rs should be running circles around the Ds. As Larry "RINO" Hogan notes, Rs poll favorably around the economy. But everyone is stuck on a clown show featuring a lame game show host. https://www.semafor.com/article/10/03/2023/gallup-gops-economic-edge-hits-new-heights

To keep on focusing on the Old Testament, Without a vision the people parish (paraphrase from Proverbs). The Rs need to be for more than owning the libs. And they can't figure out what that is. So the void gets filled with crazy. Apparently the clowns and bimbos are in charge of the House. Giving all the momentum to the Ds. How f-ing stupid can one group of people be? See various Mencken quotes.

There's a perfect story that Rs should be able to get behind: the awarding of the Nobel prize to Katalin Karikó. She's the personification of how the "expert" system is screwed up and frequently ignores talent. She had to leave the university system and go to the private sector for her research to be recognized. And she's an immigrant! What a great personal story. What a great story about the expert system breaking. But of course that won't happen because of crazies.

And all this is dwarfed by an inability to do math. https://www.cnn.com/2023/09/29/opinions/federal-debt-interest-rates-riedl/index.html

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So, echoing Joe Rogan; what if Trump actually believes there was a steal? Is it out of the realm of possibility?

To be fair, no court really let anyone spell out the case which was wrong. Putting it in an objective court of law provides transparency, and closure. We don't have that do we since the Democrats and RINOs did what they did.

Jan 6th looks horrible in the rear view mirror and not because of the people but because of Pelosi. The Reichstag Fire comes to mind.

I totally agree with you that the Rs need to do more than own the libs.

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The current circus is a direct result of having no adults in the room. Humans work within hierarchies. If the existing hierarchy gets torn down (sometimes good, sometimes bad) then it gets replaced. Always. On almost every issue question Rs poll better than Ds. Yet put a face to the position and then polls become tied or flipped. Republican politicians are just continuing to torch any semblance of seriousness. There's going to be no young people with a college degree who would vote for them in the not too distant future. That doesn't mean there won't be a conservative party at some point in the future. It will be a long haul back while being led by the other crazy party.

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