So, let me get this right. A few years ago a new football coach was hired by Alabama. They found out he lied on his resume and immediately fired him but a Democrat can run for office, lie on his resume and it is okay. What a country!!!!!

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They all lie on their resumes. The issue is the extent to which the 'press' and the chorus of 'NPCs' cover for the Democrat's lies. I'm just grateful Musk bought X.

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Walz has lied about his coaching career too, saying that he was a head coach when he was an assistant coach.

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Another great post, Jeff! The extent of the media's complicity helping orchestrate and carry-out this unmistakably apparent - and in your face - lie with the Democrats, cannot be understated. But you are absolutely right, it won't work. Yes, we have many easily manipulated people in this country, but most will see through the Orwellian drumbeat of bullshit and act in their own best interests and that of the country's. But before election day (weeks & months?) this crazy crap and desperate narrative will grow 10 fold. Smart folks need to be vigilant.

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You are so right. They are going to cheat every bit as much as they can get away with, and the corporate meedja is showing us every day, all day long and through the night, that they are going to cover and lie and dissemble and bully as much as they can to try to bridge the gap between Trump's margin of victory and their second or 4th or 5th blatant steal. Through November, February, and 2028, 2032. Hold the line everywhere; advance the line at each and every opportunity.

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Aug 11Edited

I think Republicans are at risk of writing off Kamala Harris and Tom Walz as being far too progressive and unremarkable to possibly ever get elected. Don't forget how poor Joe Biden's campaign was in 2020. At one point, it was written off as finished ... and then the media+academic+political complex banded together to drag his tired body across the finish line. The same thing could easily happen here. Republicans love God, Family and Country; Democrats only love the government, and they will fight tooth and nail to keep control of it.

A key strategy for a Trump victory in 2024 is to confront Harris and Walz on their progressive positions and statements in the past, in order to drive a wedge between the progressive part of the Democratic party and the less progressive, more blue collar part of the Democratic party. Call them out for what they have said and done in the past. Do they still embrace those positions, and risk alienating a large part of the country, or do they reject those positions, and risk alienating the 5% to 10% of their base that could make the difference in November?

Don't let the media gloss over those progressive positions - document them and call them out, front and center and demand that they answer for them, in a manner that all can hear. The MSM may not do it, so it's up to us to do so.

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Jeff, you are on the money. Except for one thing. Our media is not PRAVDA-like. They are worse. On my trips to Soviet Union, I saw that no one believed the propaganda. They made dark Russian jokes. Here, millions believe the NYT, etc. It's far more insidious. I will write about this subsequently on my Substack being the only person profiled favorably by Mother Jones and the National Review in one lifetime.

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Aug 11Edited

He would not be a popular guy at our American Legion Post. I know guys there who did heroic service, and got zero credit for their sacrifice. One USMC guy was in Vietnam with the French, taken captive and got zero benefits for being a POW and severely disabled by the imprisonment, as the USA was not officially in the war at that point.

We have a huge number of real combat veterans who rose to the call and get a bunch of guff for serving their county. Tim Walz is not one of them.

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It's not worth any effort to address the Trump assassination attempt as an inside job. The natural result is to get any subsequent discussion sidetracked by the lightening rod of "conspiracy theory." That's a dead end.

What one does need to do is point out the many egregious failures of the security and protection that occurred to lay malfeasance, incompetence, and corruption at the feet and heads of the Secret Service.

Forget the resignation of the SS director, were any personnel, supervisory or otherwise, responsible for the planning and execution of the security protocols suspended from duty pending the outcome of the investigation? Apparently not. So, the status quo ante is exonerated.

That no one is suspended from duty (much less fired) means there are no consequences for either the failure or the need to perform a prompt and thorough inquiry to answer the matter. No consequences mean no one is responsible.

The entire investigatory process, whether Congress or DHS IG or the FBI is, ultimately, to kick the can down the road with rationalizations, followed by recommendations for future action. It's a charade that repeats itself in govt at all levels.

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It's ok Jeffrey. They did the same thing in 2016 and lost. Since then, the Republican-to-DemoKKKrat ratios have exploded. In AZ, they've doubled. In PA, Rs have slashed a D lead of 600,000 to just 150,000. In NC, where Trump already won twice, Rs have cut the D registration lead in half. They are in for a rude awakening.

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I'd like to think so, but I'm not so sure.

Remember the "Red Wave" election of 2022? That one put us on our back.

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This is a great post.

But to be honest, I look forward to the day when we all just ignore the "media" and refer only to independent writers like Mr. Carter, Glenn Greenwald, Matt Taibbi, Bari Weiss, etc.

The traditional "media" is owned by people who long ago figured out that it was easier to purchase a media organization and surreptitiously inject your agenda than it was to endlessly buy advertising and curate the stories you want the hard way. Just buy it and pretend it's "neutral." Look at the Washington Post, NYT and...the Drudge Report. We don't even know who owns Drudge anymore, because it's kept secret. Whoever bought it, was buying eyeballs the cheap way. It's unrecognizable now. The others are also owned by rich leftists and crony capitalists.

These media companies are now no different than privately owned PR companies. They are not worth paying attention to.

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Substack needs to figure out a subscription model that looks like the French Museum pass model

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s always:


See you at the polls.

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I have enjoyed Kass's blog, he's always so spot on. Never would have connected with him without reading you.

Just imagine: it's quite possible that 4 to 8 years with Kam could to be upon us soon! We will live, but I may have to move to a bunker in Iowa or something, lol.

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Good ol’ “neighbor” Tim Walz!

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Kamala's gonna win. Democrats have the memory of a goldfish.

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Rs had a chance to nominate someone who could have broader appeal. Now the smiling empty suit looks to have the momentum over the babbling fossil in the swing states. Populism is a heck of a drug. The country won't be ending no matter which of them wins.

p.s., my conspiracy theory on the tips tax exemption. It's all a bipartisan PE ploy. They've got the carried interest differential. Now they want to eliminate taxes on the rest of their fees by having their portfolio companies call them "tips". Ha!

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They had a competitive primary....R voters voted for Trump. I think the country does change significantly with Harris. Tulsi Gabbard going on a special watch list is one indicator. When the bureaucracy has all the power, things change. Stuff doesn't work and stuff doesn't get done.

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Things do change, but that's always been true. I agree with most of your criticisms of Harris. Republicans need to come up with people and programs that sell to more than the base.

Meanwhile, the fossil is busy blowing up his campaign. Normal people on the margin don't want to listen to his tired old schtick. He's failing to adjust. I don't think he even can.


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