I would really feel bad about it if I thought that America had actually elected them.

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They may have. Certainly, when you look at statistical distributions, it gives a logical person pause. But, like OJ didn't kill his wife, you have to prove it in court.

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Shouldn’t the onus be on the government to prove elections are not compromised. If the state and local election officials have the data and control the process, why aren’t they proving there is no fraud. If courts don’t make election officials prove the authenticity of the vote count and the process, there is nothing a citizen can do. It’s not a citizen’s job to prove in court there is election fraud. It’s the governments job to prove election integrity. When you start thinking that citizens need to prove their government is corrupt, then it’s too late, Your government is picking who will control you.

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No, that’s not accurate. For the massive election fraud to be true, it does not depend upon it being proven in court. You know OJ sliced the heads off of Nicole Brown & Ron Goldman. You & I knowing that’s true is in no way dependent on the absurd not guilty verdict that the jury returned.

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@mrdoug1, Don't forget that a subsequent civil jury reached a verdict that would be possible only if they concluded that OJ committed murder.

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Hard to convict a bank robber when the judge is driving the getaway car.

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The largest manipulations are entirely legal: large media corporations simply decide that some candidates will get glowing coverage and lots of time during televised debates while others are stonewalled.

When Trump exploited his celebrity to bypass this, they responded with massive psychological operations for four years. Psychologists talked about "Trump anxiety disorder" (that term pulls up a Newsweek story) and many votes "for" Biden were probably by people who wanted the pain to stop.

This should be a bipartisan issue: there's no way, even for people on the left, anyone should trust a handful of media executives to have this much influence over politics.

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Biden is a 'Word Person', to an even greater extent than Obama is and Woodrow Wilson was. Concerning the latter individual, Sigmund Freud and William Bullitt wrote a psychological study of him, in which they wrote:

"Throughout his life he took intense interest only in subjects which could somehow be connected with speech…He took no interest in mathematics, science, art or music–except in singing himself, a form of speaking. His method of thinking about a subject seems to have been to imagine himself making a speech about it…He seems to have thought about political or economic problems only when he was preparing to make a speech about them either on paper or from the rostrum."

Biden's actions of the chaotic Afghanistan withdrawal were quite clearly motivated by the speech he was planning to give on 9/11/21, rather than by any kind of coherent planning or policy analysis. Reality, to him, is merely a backdrop to political action, especially speechifying.

The entire Democrat Party is now driven by Word and Image People, and that is also true of the extensions of the Party in media and academia.

See my related post Minds of the Word People:



KIng of the Word People


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Woodrow Wilson was intelligent, but an evil person

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This is one of the best comments I've ever read on any subject whatsoever.

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It’s horrible. There are predators in the world, and the people in charge of our country right now are of impaired intelligence, or below normal competency. This is absolutely sick. We can only hope that the inherent strength of the country can ride out this disaster.

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Agree about most of the folks you mention (you missed one those tied for dumbest of all, Sen. Patty Murry) but I take issue with you on Obama. He was really good at reading a speech or a teleprompter. But when he was speaking extemporaneously he showed his true colors. And it was mostly a dull gray. If he were as bight as everyone said, we would be shown his college records, a SINGLE article for the Harvard Review, WHICH HE EDITED!!! without ever penning a piece. Go back and find any time when O was either going off the script or was just taking questions. Lots and LOTS of um's and ah's and well, and you know's and okie doke and so forth. Also, whenever he did actually take questions from the press, his answers were very long, repetitive and completely EMPTY of any substance whatsoever. Happy New Year!!!

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Thank you for writing the truth. Quite sad we have such morons in office. Biden and Harris aren't leaders.

You overrate Obama. Know him. Smug, arrogant, confident, pampered and shallower than the ashtray he needed hanging at Norb Andy's 25 years ago. No one better at recapping debating points, but unable to do much more than that. Shockingly, he believed the crap we were taught at university. That alone, blew me away. Obama is predictable and a nerd.

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W with Cheney and Trump with Pence were examples of men who could be the boss even with highly capable subordinates. Obama had to be the smartest person in the room, and he selected Biden as VP and many other second-rate people to make sure of that.

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He chose Biden to make sure he could never be impeached.

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In a case of the student outdoing the master, Biden managed to find someone useless enough to be impeachment insurance, despite the dementia.

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When Obama didn’t know how to pronounce the word, “corpsman,” despite it being spelled out on the teleprompter & while speaking to a military audience, I knew he was a fraud & not that bright.

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Yes I am behind.

On the ranking scale of intelligence at the lower end it's: Moron, Imbecile, Idiot. Moron is an adult who does not exceed a 12 year old child. Imbecile is one not exceeding a 7 year old child. Idiot is 2 year old child. So Harris has a way to go to hit bottom.

The real problem is not how high the IQ but the knowledge level. A genius who has lived in a cave with a bag over his head for 50 years still doesn't know anything, despite having a high IQ. I think Obama fits into that category. Not a genius but certainly not very knowledgeable. The comment about Austria or not knowing how to pronounce Corps man is an example. IQ's put a limit on how much you can master, excepting some quirks like people who can speak 10 or 12 languages. You can have a hight IQ and still not understand the math behind Relativity no matter how hard you study it. Some brains just work differently. See Rain Man as an example. For the most part a higher IQ goes with being more knowledgeable but not always.

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In 2016, a blowhard beat a narcissist. Okay.

In 2020, a buffoon beat a blowhard. Okay.

Now we need to put a narcissist up against a buffoon. Rock paper scissors.

However, in the UK in 2019, a buffoon beat Resident Evil. Buffoon could be the way to go.

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Was it over when The Germans bombed Pearl Harbor? I ask because Joe Biden isn't totally sure.

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I can imagine the comments if this piece were posted on a newspaper rag like the san jose mercury news -- that worships covid fear, and kam. Tribalism is so engrained that Harris could take a shit on the streets of san francisco, and it would be a progressive event to be celebrated. You are correct, at the very least, she's not qualified.

I have one good friend who is able to engage politically with me despite holding a different view, rare. After all the years of trump hating, I asked him what he likes most about biden, He replied that he does not have to listen to anti-trump stories each day anymore -- that's it. Probably what most dems would say if they were willing to admit it.

Go covid go. Soon there will be recovery meetings for testing addictions. And group therapy for everyone who cannot fathom that the cold and flu are not going away -- even after the 3rd shot.

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Definitely right about Harris but I think you might be giving too much credit to some of the other democrats.

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Yes, the favorably noted politicians all have intellectual acumen which they have combined with a native political cunning in order to achieve their goals, However, the author gives no examples that these political ends show any real judgement, discernment, or common sense when measured against long-term effects. Those whose choices evidence a lack of such qualities - judgement, discernment, common sense - are, by definition, "morons."

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