Excellent commentary Jeff. I just ran across this on twitter where a pro-life Catholic family with seven children were terrorized Friday morning at 7:05 when a DOJ SWAT team of 25-30 FBI agents armed with long guns stormed their home for an arrest warrant for Mark Houck, who was being arrested for "Mark with violating the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances Act, due to a claimed “ATTACK OF A PATIENT ESCORT.” Mark and his 12 year old son drove to Philadelphia and held "sidewalk counseling" out side of two abortion clinics once a week. On occasion a vile man would come up to his 12 year old son using vile language and Mr. Houck asked the man to shut up. He was charged once, but it was thrown out of court. Now Merrick Garland's DOJ decided to charge him on federal charges. This story will not make national news but it should. Here is a link to the article. Government overreach: It has to stop! https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/fbi-raids-home-of-catholic-pro-life-speaker-author-with-guns-drawn-as-his-terrified-kids-watch/

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Excellent. Well said. There's an entire political party that needs to memorize that--as a rant, to be repeated at every opportunity, if only because their messaging sucks.

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Very well said Jeff!

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Well said. Best yet?!? Bear down!

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Bravo, Sir!

Gavin puts Gavin first. At church today, I was asked to pray for him. This ego-maniac is using out of context Bible verses on billboards to promote abortion in Red states. I'd hate to see his report card on Judgement Day.

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