Totally agree, Jeffrey ... Almost. Not on Obama and intellect. I don't think he's that smart. He's never proven to be smart. He might come across as being smart, or as Biden said, "articulate." But he's a snake-oil salesman. He's never created or built anything, never had to meet a payroll. Never really proven he has the mettle to solve a complex or sticky situation. He was and remains a community organizer who really didn't accomplish much during his two-term presidency except screw up the country's medical-insurance system. He's a good salesman. But not a very smart individual. IMO.

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I agree more with you than you do with yourself. Obama is and was an actor. Tell him his lines and he is very good at delivering them. He is a lightweight.

BTW, the Kamala campaign is dispatching Obama to both Pittsburg and Philadelphia which is proof they are not winning in those two cities.

FFS, those are stalwart Dem enclaves and you're sending your closer there in the last month?



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Lived in the Philly area (Bucks County) for 24 yrs before moving to N.C. two months ago (got tired of the snow and a school board that thinks boys should play sports against girls, among other things.) If a Dem doesn't carry that area, something's really out of whack, as there are very, very few registered Republicans, particularly in Philly county. I think it's like 84 percent Dem. You're right. Why would a D even bother showing up if it's supposed to be a lock? Meanwhile, Trump is holding a rally at MSG in NYC.

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True that! Empty suit!

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Agree, but the bigger problem is the voters - many of them are dumber than her.

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Had this conversation with my wife who doesn't really follow politicians.

"She can't be dumb, she's been an AG and VP"

I didn't even know where to start. People inherently think credentialism and CV = qualification. My wife would never fall for credentialism of people with whom she interacts daily.

Of course, we can't interact with Pols. So we are forced to employ intermediary proxies - like political parties.

May have been a safe use of proxies back in the day. But the traditional proxies are abjectly tainted, tarnished, and corrupt failures.

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Clearly the powers that be in the Democratic Party are fine with her lack of vision or intelligence.

Speaks volumes about what they think of the voters.

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Once they decided to decapitate Biden, they had a very shallow bench.



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and they think they have a DEEP one! I guess if you are a woke leftist, they do.

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Agreed Jeff. The question is, how smart or informed are the people that will vote for her? Not that I feel polls are accurate (as corrupt as most politicians) but they show them neck and neck which boggles my mind, and any semi-intelligent person. The scary part is she might get in because of ignorance and complacency of voters, none of which read your blog unfortunately. "You want to see something really scary?"....

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Next you’ll be telling me that about Machine Politicking….

It’s an Alternative Business Model.

Their bidness, not yours. You’re just there to pay for it all.

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Dumb is sort of neutral. Kamala is destructive.



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this is a fair point, Mayorkas is a case...

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What scares me is that my dad is a kam supporter. He lives on a block that's wealthy middle class and they all are a blue tribe. He goes to Bible studies each week, his wife votes Trump.

The bay area CA bubble is strong.

May CA cry itself to death in unison come Nov.

Kam is not dumb. Gavin is not dumb. But both lack contextual thinking beyond their own party line bubble, which makes them dumb as hell. Following gavin on X is like following a box of rocks.

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I don't agree with you about Obama - as far as being "articulate" , he can't even pronounce corpsman. Whats is scary to me is that roughly half the voting public will vote for her. We really do need a better educational system in this country!

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But it just doesn't matter who gets "elected" on the Democrat side. That person will have nothing to do with steering the nation anyhow. Democrats are actually just voting to let the Deep State keep running things, the figure at the head means nothing, just the better looking the better. Establishment Republicans are only marginally, if at all, better than that. Except of course Trump, who might at least have some interest and ability to shake things up.

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Vapid is 💯 correct, Jeff. I sometimes say vacuous too. She's unburdened by any educational or intellectual endeavors, but always camera ready so long as no impromptu speaking is required.

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Vacuous is good.

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How do people like her and Rod Blagojevich pass the bar?

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Blago went to Pepperdine Law, arguably better than her law school. But, your point is well taken since Cali's bar is a harder exam. There are lawyers that read and comment here who are better equipped to handle

a response better than me.

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You're going to be holding a lot of beers.

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Dumb and dumber

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Jeff, I agree with everything you said except that Barack The magic Negro was intelligent. Kamala made her way into politics by being on her knees. She is as dumb as a bag of rocks.

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Barack was at least politically savvy- going back to his days of disqualifying ballot entrants in his State Legislature primary.

Barack was at least smart enough to connect with Axelrod and Rahm to conduct a coherent race.

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I still didn't think he is that intelligent a lot of what happened to him was luck. The lady he ran against in Illinois dropped out because of signatures on her petition. Jack Ryans sealed divorce records magically got unsealed and he ran against that dope McCain. He was pushed in the right direction everytime. Someone was behind him telling him what to do.

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When I see Jeri Ryan on TV (very rarely thankfully), I still curse her!!! She got Obama elected Senator.

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The fact that her party has nominated her -- and Joe Biden before her --

Shows how confident they are that they can rig any election.

Change my mind.

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A long-time behind the scenes political arm Twister's assessment of Kamala Harris AND Tim Walz:"When it was raining brains, they had umbrellas". Also, she told me don't underestimate the influence of the Keith Ellison Minnesota Democrats in National politics and their connection to Barack Obama and the current Democrats because they have as much power in their own way as Nancy Pelosi. He essentially built the Progressive Caucus. Anybody who's friends with Louis Farrakhan is dangerous.

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