If you are into ESG, you can see the devastation it brings in real-time if you do cursory investigatory work looking at the current happenings in Sri Lanka. ESG is just a cleaned-up euphemism for something else, Marxism.
CEOs that pursue ESG either believe it or are so afraid of “cancel culture” that they decide to implement it. I have written about ESG HERE, HERE, HERE, and HERE.
Like a terminal virus that cannot be cured, ESG infects how people think, act and make decisions. It’s terrible for you.
The definition of a good business has nothing to do with environmental, social, or governance goals. A good business returns money to risk-taking shareholders and provides a needed service to customers. Period. The End.
As a CEO, you are responsible to your board, your shareholders, your employees, and your customers. You aren’t responsible to the “community”. You are charged with making bottom-line revenue and growing a business.
The thing is, ESG isn’t just isolated to business. It’s screwing up all kinds of things.
The Covid debacle, not epidemic, showed just how crazy people will get to move goalposts and change traditional definitions of standards that we all agreed upon and set in place. There is a reason they were structured that way.
If you understand the old children’s fable, The Emperor Has No Clothes”, you will immediately see that a lot of things that we used to take for face value in society are changing. The definition of a vaccine is one of them. When I was growing up, I was educated that when you received a vaccine, you were immune to getting the illness you were getting vaccinated for.
Hence, if I received the mumps, polio, whooping cough, diphtheria, or any of the other vaccines out there I wouldn’t get that disease. Will the miracles of modern medicine never cease?
Oh, wait. In 2020 they did. We all know people that have been vaxxed that have acquired Covid. Some of them were double, triple, and quadruple vaxxed. It’s pretty obvious that this thing doesn’t work the way we were all educated to believe vaccines worked.
I call that an offshoot of ESG. It’s the same line of thinking.
I see this consistently now in everything. For example, in Highland Park, IL they just had a horrible shooting. I saw people who I was acquainted with post on their Facebooks that they’d never vote Republican again. Prior to that, they were posing as Republicans but I could tell they really weren’t Republicans. They just wanted to be in the friend group that was Republican.
What they fail to realize is Illinois, Cook County, Chicago, and yes, Highland Park has been ruled by Democrats for at least the last half-century. So, how is not voting Republican going to fix anything?
I read lefty blogs all the time. I read one this morning and this is the rant.
The constitution did not even acknowledge women, hence all “men” are created equal. When a group of people representing the minority decides to change the rules after fifty years, I have to believe this is just the beginning of the court’s decisions, and I fear how the majority will react. We are starting to see the repercussions.
In Arizona, the courts have just killed public education. Families can now take their yearly stipend of $7k and choose what school they want their child to go to. Traditional, public, private, religious, etc. How do you run a school when the budget is based on parents’ decisions? The concept behind busing was to eliminate racial segregation. Ths new law in Arizona highlights the contempt most Americans have for people who don’t look like them, pray to the same “god,” or want as part of their community. Talk about one huge step backward for future generations.
The person that wrote this has no idea about America or America’s founding. They don’t understand the basic principles of it. They take snippets of things that back up their argument and try to smear everything. For example, this author doesn’t think the Constitution meant women. Of course, when we say “mankind” it includes women and “all men” is everyone. Yes, we had slaves then and it was America’s original sin but we fought a war and slavery is over. Besides, if you understand and know history you know slavery wasn’t invented in America.
The leftist’s arguments always fall down upon themselves which is why they always move the goalposts. It’s not about principle. It’s about getting what they want.
It’s somehow okay to assault a Supreme Court Justice in a DC steakhouse, or an official of a Republican administration at their home or in a private place of business but if the tables were turned the person who turned them would have holy hell to pay.
Remember, the January 6th “Insurrection” defendants were locked in jail and unable to exercise their Constitutional rights this whole time. Also, remember when Hillary and Obama needed a convenient excuse for their Libya debacle, Susan Rice lied on television and said it was some video. Dinesh DeSouza went to jail for it.
In Wisconsin, a billionaire’s son is running for Senate to compete with incumbent Republican Ron Johnson. It’s funny to me that leftists always bitch about money and politics yet the billionaire class seems to always wind up on the Democratic side of the ledger. They call for higher taxes but enjoyed low tax rates, freedom, and opportunity when they made their money. I notice none of them are donating extra to the government. Most offshore it to avoid the taxes they proclaim we need.
This summer, I started reading a book by a writer who certainly is no conservative, Milton Viorst. It is called, “The Great Documents of Western Civilization”. I just finished the early ones from Pliny the Younger, and up to the Middle Ages. I am about to start The Reformation. It’s enlightening.
Back when I was in high school, my English teacher and History teachers taught about the founding of Western Civilization so I knew quite a bit about it but I didn’t do the “core curriculum” in college so it’s not like I am an expert.
I think going to business school and doing what I did for a living also helped me really understand the principles Adam Smith articulated at a gut level. Smith and his fellow Scotsman created the foundation for the ideas of freedom that were enshrined in the US.
Now, the left-wing wants to wash that all away.
I know that the Founders of the US were educated and steeped in these same documents. It was how they were able to implement the ideas they understood with the structure that worked and would stand the test of time.
So far, they have and I don’t think any of them would have been surprised at what America has become. I somehow don’t think they’d be shocked by the left-wing either. What they would be shocked at is the lack of active resistance to the left-wing.
We are locked in an epic struggle for the founding values of America today. It’s a Cold Civil War and it could turn into a hot one. One thing I know about leftists. It’s not about the people, it’s about the mission and idea. They easily discard people when they aren’t useful anymore. By discard, I mean to kill or imprison.
You cannot be neutral as people like Bari Weiss and Glenn Grunwald are finding. Both of them are gay, and they would have described themselves as Democrats or leaning Democrats back in the day. Today, they aren’t. You might ask them why.
As Ken Kesey said back in the 1960s, “you are on the bus or off of the bus”. You can’t hem and haw. The folks like Bill Ayers who were anti-establishment in the 1960s are actually the establishment today.
The counter-culture revolutionaries of the 2020’s are the people that want to adhere to our Constitutional values. They are the people that want decentralization of power, more business competition, and goalposts to be set in place on the goal line and not moved constantly around the field.
"Families can now take their yearly stipend of $7k and choose what school they want their child to go to. Traditional, public, private, religious, etc. How do you run a school when the budget is based on parents’ decisions?"
How do you run a grocery store when the budget is based on customers' decisions?
I get Morningstar’s daily update email, and they push ESG almost everyday. It’s sickening.
Regarding slavery, ask any lefty who ended slavery, and they don’t know. When you explain that the West ended slavery, specifically Christian white men, all you’ll get is a blank look from them.