Feb 18Liked by Jeffrey Carter

Great post, Jeff. With free speech under attack everywhere and a academia going from liberal to almost 💯 bolshevik in its indoctrination efforts, the center-right thinking people of this country had better fully engage to defeat these weak-minded fools among us. Stat.

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The people who need to be made allies are the center left, especially in academia. They are seeing more clearly where a lot of the contemporary cultural BS has led. A major issue is how the center right have been marginalized by the MAGAs. The center left people need center right people to work with. They don't view MAGAs as worthy of engagement.

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How do you see MAGA different in their views on free speech and individual liberty from Center right? From Center left?

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True MAGAs are low information voters whose only motivation is owning libs. The only liberty they care about is their own. They buy Trump Trading Cards and Trump Tennis Shoes. Most people are not the extremes and don't want to choose between 2 old men. But the extremes control the parties.

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I'd say Democrats are also extremely low information voters, even the ones I know with grad degrees.

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No doubt. Most people are low information citizens. Don't want any of them to be the pickers of candidates. The people who supported DeSantis should be the most pissed off at the know-nothing MAGAs.

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Can't imagine why college students wouldn't want to be associated with the Rs. This is a 'very good' university:


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could be the brainwashing they received in grade/middle/hs. Wait until they hit the real world

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Feb 19Liked by Jeffrey Carter

Their presence in the 'real world' is making it look as if Atlas Shrugged is their user manual. There is a lot of damage still coming before reality bites back hard enough for a correction.

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Feb 18Liked by Jeffrey Carter

You’re speaking truth. But, given all this and what we saw in 2020, why would we assume that anything approaching a real election will take place this year? The polls can say anything they want. It doesn’t matter when hundreds of thousands of votes for the zombie candidate appear overnight in the right strategic locations. Trump is a fighter, but he’s not necessarily a smart one. I’d have more faith in his ability to combat 2020-style shenanigans if he weren’t so clearly constantly on the defensive in the lawfare arena. Face it — Biden (or if he drops dead from dementia, whoever else they pick) is going to “win” the 2024 election, too.

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Maybe. Doesn't depend on the popular vote, only depends on swing states (9 of them). Most are Democratic run, but that doesn't mean Republicans can't poll watch the entire process and make a difference. While many courts are kangaroo, there are honest courts.

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I hope you're right Mr Carter!

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Feb 19·edited Feb 19Liked by Jeffrey Carter

I love you for writing this. Lots of people on the right seem to have maybe deliberately missed the point of Tucker’s interview of Putin and his ensuing posts about life in Russia. Calling him an apologist or even treasonous. The point he’s making is that the people that run our country are literally no better than an authoritarian despot. They stifle free speech, steal elections, lie to us with impunity, and even jail and kill opposition leaders, not to mention starting unjust wars, etc. And in the case of the living conditions for average people large cities, our leaders are actually worse than Putin. This is objectively true. The results speak for themselves.

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Boy, between you and the Money Bunny Maria this morning, I feel the need to double down in prayer. It seems like the cards are so stacked against the U.S. Constitution, Freedoms, Meritocracy, and Individual Liberty that the best thing to do is to go to the gun range and practice!

I noticed that a gentleman named John Booras is on my sample ballot for the Republican nomination for my district, which is currently held by Delia Rameriez, one of the Leftists. If you look at the gerrymandered district it is an amazingly currupt drawing, and probably quite a long shot that any Republlican can win. But ya gotta give it a shot, right? I put my name into his website to make a donation (small) and he called within a couple hours. Great guy, great background including serving as a policeman for about 20 years while studying law, now a property tax attorney fighting THAT uphill battle. Anyways, you and your audience should read up on him and support as appropriate. An outsider who will take steps to rationalize the process, drain the Swamp, and restore accountability, meritocracy, and Individual Liberty - at least in one chair. Peace!

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Feb 19Liked by Jeffrey Carter

The country is in a world of hurt! We're spending money we don't have on things that don't directly benefit us. "How does something fail? Slowly, then all at once!" Poor paraphrase, but I'm still worried. I will not go quietly though....

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Feb 18Liked by Jeffrey Carter

Yes, it is terrifying. The attack on free speech largely began in the universities, and has predictably overflowed into the rest of the society. Here's something I wrote several years ago: The Multi-Front Attack on Free Speech


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Feb 19Liked by Jeffrey Carter

-->"It will not be long before we will see stories planted all over the country and amplified on social media that if Trump is elected there will be violence all over the US."


That's how it works. Media has moved on from sensation and outrage, to instilling panic and fear. It worked (incompletely) with the Russia collusion hoax. Instead of defeating Trump, it handcuffed him for 3 years, until the ginned-up Wuhan virus turned the wheels of govt over to the administrative/bureaucratic/Deep State.

One need only look to the revelations of the Twitter files (Taibbi, Shellenberger, et al.) to recognize the depths which the Deep State has infiltrated media, media organs, purported reporters, and the NGO grift-world at universities, e.g., Stanford Internet Observatory (and similar entities).

The corruption is defined by the fact of their federal funding, which makes their existence reliant on funding, creating an influence-group constituency for continued funding. Then, as in follow the money, he who pays the piper calls the tune. There's no "arm's length" relationship because there's no commercial transaction--it's outright manipulation of results bought and paid for.

Even Twitter was paid millions for their time engaged with the feds for the results of the hard and soft censorship. The opportunity to reveal what occurred at Twitter (and other social media platforms as evidence indicates) is solely the result of Musk's acquisition--and for no their reason.

Absent Musk, we would likely be in the dark about all of this given the effective blackout by legacy media reporting on social media (Twitter, et al.) manipulation, and Alex Berenson's and Louisiana/Missouri AG's lawsuits winding their way through the courts.

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Feb 19Liked by Jeffrey Carter

Please stop with "the far right" terminology. It feeds the anti-Trump pro RINO, Marxist rhetoric so often parroted and it's a lie. The death knell of the new world order progressive Bush Leftist ideology is ringing loudly. Why can't you hear it?

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Feb 18Liked by Jeffrey Carter


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Feb 18Liked by Jeffrey Carter

I can agree with some of the take. The issue is that contrarianism can be taken too far. The contrarians too often end up existing just to be contrary. Like Carlson. The right's newfound belief that Putin is anything but evil and needs to be constrained should make anyone around in the 1980s scratch their heads. It's good to see more people on the right see Carlson for what he is, and that was even before the death of Navalny was announced.

Sometimes the contrarians morph into conspiracy theorists. The FDA and CDC had major issues long before COVID. Conspiracy theories rob people of their agency. The righty conspiracy theorists end up sounding like the lefties who want to blame everything on white supremacy. It's easy to blame "others" for one's less than favorable outcomes. It's sad to see so many Republicans fall into this trap. (It's also probably a big reason why antisemitism keeps on keeping on across the world.)

Free speech is a tool. It's part of the way to find "truth". Not all voices are equally valuable, even if everyone should be allowed to have a voice. In general I'm fine with how Musk has run Twitter as more permissive. At the same time too much of the amplified 'trending' stuff is total BS, designed wholly to raise traffic. Not make people smarter. The fact that Musk himself re-Tweets so much easily identified baloney does not speak well of his non-engineering intellect.

As I said, I agree with some of the article. The government often does use its power for ill. The creation of the 'Homeland Security' department was probably the first nail in the coffin for my identity as a Republican. It took no vision to see how it would evolve.

At the same time, government isn't really good at conspiracy. They're too loose lipped and they're not that competent. The way to make change is to convince voters, with speech, of the need to change and to have a program. Blowing things up without a plan is not a productive path.

It does seem that some of the cultural stuff seems to be receding on its own. ESG underperforms. Lots of the center left see DEI as counterproductive. One of the next things to go will be the forced conversion to EVs. The next, hopefully final, round of nuts is to believe that Americans really just want to buy smaller EVs.

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I would not agree that the right thinks Putin is anything but evil. Can BOTH Putin and Ukraine be corrupt and evil at the same time? I don't think Churchill was ever fond of Hitler or Stalin, yet he had to join hands with Stalin just because. As soon as Hitler was defeated, Stalin was no longer an ally.

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Ukraine can certainly be imperfect vessel. Yet they've been attacked by Russia partly because they wanted to throw off the yoke of even more corrupt Russian influence. I think I read 90% of the aid money is spent on US industry. No Americans are being killed. The Ukrainians are the ones willingly defending and dying for their country. The modern right sounds more and more like the WWII isolationist right. The same lessons are likely going to be learned.


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They got attacked because Joe Biden invited them into NATO, so that gave Putin an excuse.

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Feb 19Liked by Jeffrey Carter

While American and European foreign policy have contributed to this debacle in Ukraine, Ukraine got attacked because the Russians wanted it. All of this 'look at it from the Russian's point of view' simply ignores the Russian leadership's usage of Russia's historical paranoia about the West and invasion to justify its own expansionism. Any rational look at NATO as a threat to Russia would have concluded that Europeans that weren't spending enough on defense to keep planes flying and tanks running did not have the capability to threaten Russia. While we need to be aware of Russia's paranoia, we should not let it govern our or our ally's actions. The ironic thing is that the Russian action in Ukraine is starting to create the threat they imagined - see Poland's rearmament (and the implications of South Korea as a major arms supplier in the world).

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GWB was the one who kind of, but not quite invited them. Trump even started to arm Ukraine. Because Putin hasn't changed an ounce since he came to power. He's always been looking to re-create the empire. And Ukraine got too independent during the Maidan revolution. Both Russia and the US welched on their commitment to keep Ukraine independent when they gave up their nukes. The East Europeans understood the danger much more than anyone in the west. Putin has already added one NATO country to his border. No matter who wins in Ukraine there's going to be another.

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Example: people on the American Compass right embracing the 'magic' of MMT. https://twitter.com/PhilWMagness/status/1758552756342714767

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Ha. I agree, protectionism is not a great idea when it comes to free trade AND that is one thing I vehemently disagree with Trump on. I would say that reliance and helping China isn't smart, and they need to figure out how to stop that but the use of tariffs does nothing. There will be people who read this blog that disagree with my point on tariffs and I welcome the discussion.

I have never figured out the answer to what to do when a country like France heavily subsidizes an industry and we want an American industry to compete. The problem is that governments have an endless spigot of money they can draw on with debt. The subsidies never end. There is only so much you can do with tax/regulatory policy. Of course, that views the world as "Us vs Them" which is kind of toxic anyway except when we are talking about strategic things like defense.

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Feb 19Liked by Jeffrey Carter

One of the problems or challenges in Washington is the lack of diplomatic engagement--and I think foreign countries recognize that. If the US is going around manipulating countries with foreign aid that very often ends in politicians' pockets, why then, just play the game of bribery and grift. Both parties so engaged may be out of office soon enough, but that Swiss bank account needs filling.

The US style is bullying, not diplomacy--so tariffs become a form of signaling. Consistent with tariffs are sanctions, which are widely understood not to work, yet the US frequently uses them--and without a peep from those economists who can be counted on to complain about tariffs. (Product tariffs, country trade sanctions--there are always circumventions.)

This is, perhaps, a long way of saying that everything is political, and therefore, economics doesn't stand a chance of convincing anyone of anything. As well, "strategic things like defense" are political, just the same.

The curious aspect is that in history, the US appeared to use diplomacy--as in the post WW II era, when US GDP was 50% of the world. Now that US GDP is about 25% of the global total, it appears that bullying and bribery are the methods used to coerce others to do our bidding. Maybe I'm reading this wrong...

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Feb 19Liked by Jeffrey Carter

I think that Trump's use of tariffs were largely intended to get the attention of the countries in the world that consistently support 'managed' trade. Some were politically motivated as well, but in a world where most countries have reverted to mercantilism, responsible (and yes I know that is hard) use of tariffs is the only weapon we have since we no longer dominate the world's economy. The time has passed when the US could ignore other countries' free trade lapsed because they were only pinpricks to our economy.

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As told to me by a close friend who was at the Pentagon during the creation of Homeland Security / Department of Homeland Defense, and was instrumental in the original architecture and submission during the "grassroots movement" undertaken to develop that, it is a bureaucratically bloated, yet watered down, version of its original intent by its original framers. You hit the nail on the head with regard to elections and the unwillingness of governments to ever voluntarily give back power.

A simple fact, and it is a fact, that 15% of Biden voters polled, by a moderate to left leaning group, clearly stated they would not have voted for Joe Biden had they known the truth about the Hunter Biden laptop story. The absurdity of social media buying into Democrats pressure to censor that story, combined with the thinly veiled manipulative strategy of allowing people who had no damn good reason to be absentee voters mailing in their ballots weeks before the election as more and more truth began to come out, is evidence of a manipulated election in which treason was committed and those people responsible should be held criminally accountable and liable. Anyone who thinks differently is ignoring reality.

Take away 12 million votes from Joe Biden and what is the result? That's correct - Donald Trump was re-elected.

As more people get sick and tired of the acceptance level of corruption and deceit in the United States government and try to sweep it under the rug we will see in our children's lifetime if we're still here a record number of expats moving out of the USA.

What I've said for a decade is about to come true, that the United States is about to go the way of the British Empire and we will no longer be the unquestionable number one; we will just be one of the top 10 or 20, as laughable as it may have sounded even a decade ago. However, if Trump gets elected and the Republicans can take the Senate and retain the House, a lot of that can be delayed or possibly reversed, but only if there are a majority of Republicans with courage, and that is questionable these days.

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This summer, June/July/August of 2024 is going to be something to behold. We have now seen this play out in 2020 and 2016. Riots (racial and otherwise) all cheered on by the mainstream media as they mobililze to get people out on the street and wall to wall TV coverage led by talking heads on TV sowing the seeds of division. So disgusting and now so predictable.

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I would invite everyone on here to get involved at the local level. The only way to fight a corrupt government is to band together and oppose these abuses. Look for practical solutions to advocate for and help get those solutions put in place.

It's not enough to just vote or gripe online.

Man up and get involved. That's what our founding fathers did...

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Feb 20·edited Feb 20

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.

The time to alter or to abolish is rapidly approaching.

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