This is why Trump.


Yet there’s reason to doubt that this special counsel decision will end up reassuring anybody about equal justice. Mr. Weiss is the same prosecutor who cut the discredited plea deal with Hunter Biden. He will now have some additional powers to bring an indictment in other jurisdictions if he wants. But as the U.S. Attorney for Delaware he has been investigating the Hunter case for five years.

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Is there anyone slimier than Merrick Garland? https://themusingsofthebigredcar.com/the-special-counsel-headfake/

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No, next question. I listen to lawyers who say he was a pretty moderate guy and absolutely flipped after being rejected for SCOTUS. It is a sign of an unstable mind.

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Garland has to know how posterity will treat his actions - "not honorable" will be the most charitable summary. @Tom Elia noted Garland is part of the 'Illinois' pattern. Is he compromised, or that corrupt (what is on offer?)? I note the probability the 'or' may be an 'and'.

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I for one, will hold my nose and crawl over broken glass to vote for Trump. Every indictment stiffens my resolve. If only Biden and his henchmen put on some veneer of fairness Trump would self destruct. But they either can't, or they want the civil unrest that they are stirring up. I really don't like Trump at all but the outright corruption of the swamp creatures pushes me back to him. Your essay is spot on.

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your point about deliberately inciting civil unrest is a good one. Commies rise when there is unrest.

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Which is exactly what the bolshevik-nazi-ukro's want to disarm the USA public

Give them a reason,

We know that J6 was like a baby RINO BLM party, and the left frames it as 'end of world'

What happens when white-men armed show up to take their country back? Then as planned 70 years ago, Rockefeller Regionalism UN nations step in to control the USA civil war


Google "rockefeller regionalism" its a real thing ten regions are the ten FED-RES bank districts, all to become sovereign satanic nations post NWO; Stuff was ironed out in 1950's by operation-paperclip, homo-nazi science +2,000 brought in post WW2 to rule USA


If I remember right Ireland gets Region 10, all the regions have already picked INTL police to control the USA public.

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Utterly wrong. Yes the euro-global-davis set are evil. But they are utterly feckless against determined men. We stand, they fall.

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There are likely more weapons in Amercan citizens' possession than in most of the First World's armies. The Afghans and the Iraqis - and the Viet Cong before them - were unconcerned with far fewer weapons in civilian hands than are present in the USA today. "Armies" might be able to hold the metropoli but the FOOD comes from the much-harder-to-control countryside and, like in the Post Vietnam Era, there are many, many vets who remember how guerilla war is fought.

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Before 2020 I'd say any suggestion of some entity deliberate "stirring up unrest" is a paranoid fantasy. Not so after the last 3 yrs.

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💯 %%

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Agree... I will crawl over broken glass - naked - to vote for him these days as I know exactly what I am getting. :-D

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If you think about some of the main players in the dirty tricks campaign the last few years, you begin to see a pattern: Chicago Democrat Barack Obama; Cook County Democrat Hillary Clinton; Chicago Democrat John Podesta; Cook County Democrat Merrick Garland.

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Trump is the personification of the modern "Everyman," the character in the play with whom the vast majority of the audience identifies because it could be them.

Trump's flaws endear him to the vast majority of Americans -- he gets mad and calls out his and America's enemies in salty language exactly how Americans, real Americans, speak whilst holding a beer in their hand watching their children play at a BBQ. He is authentic and filled with the genuine angst of life that they live every day.

Trump is further identified by his enemies -- the GOPe, the Dems, the DEMe, the Deep State, the weaponized departments of the Federal gov't, the media, the elitists, the Ivy Leaguers, the fat cats, the system, the machine, the process, the have-it-alls, the have-mores, and the haves.

When Trump pokes fun at "weak" Jeb Bush and takes on the family of two Presidents and a Senator, he is the guy dealing with the DMV, the guy trying to start a business whilst wrestling with the regulatory bureaucracy that stymies him at every turn. They see him living and empathetic to their struggles. They see him winning and they desperately want a similar win.

When the Trump haters make fun of the Language Mangler, they make fun of this same slice of America that identifies with Trump and speaks the same way. His supporters look at his detractors and see their own antagonists -- the guys in the custom suits with their law degrees and their Ivy League educations -- the elitists who feed off the sweat and muscle labor of his supporters.

The public is wise and can see the relentless pounding by the media, the Biden DOJ piling on, the attempt to take Trump out politically through the weaponization of the law and they just become more steadfast in their support. Do not underestimate the power of this backlash. Americans are the fairest people on the planet and they can smell a set up a hundred miles away.

There are plenty of people -- I am one -- who want the Trump domestic and foreign policy with the Trump Economy roaring as it did.

BTW, the Trump Cabinet, save for a handful of exceptions that he canned, was one of the best in the history of the US. I note Rick Perry, former Texas governor, who made the Dept of Energy function such that we were energy independent within two years of Trump's inauguration. This was a triumph of market forces unleashed by reducing the regulatory burden which is policy.

We are drifting toward a confrontation -- hopefully at the ballot box. Between now and then the Biden DOJ and its fellow weaponized travelers will try to land a judicial knockout blow. I think the old boy will avoid it.

There is not another modern American politician capable of doing what Trump has done and what he can do. Funny thing is a good many of his supporters are solely on board because of policy.



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I think Trump is an experiential learner. I don't think he was great at the CRE business at the very beginning. He runs a good shop now (if you haven't stayed at one of his hotels, they run and work well). I think the first four years he was learning--->and Covid really screwed his last year and got him off his game. That's why the Dems pushed it. Turns out, the bureaucracy hid it, and funded it with gain of function research.

That's why they are terrified of a second term Trump. He knows the landscape now, and he will leave scorched earth behind-especially with his sort of vindictiveness. I read this morning in NY State they are trying to redraw districts so more Dems get elected and change the Speaker of the House to Hakeem Jefferies. They need the levers of power badly to keep on course with their plan to weaponize the bureaucracy and military against American citizens.

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Trump was more than smart enough to learn how to organize, build, market, finance, and operate 100-story buildings which is complex and difficult. He is a savvy learner as you note.

You are absolutely right -- a second term Trump will eviscerate the Deep State.

The Dems have been gerrymandering Congressional districts since the first census. The Reps do the same thing.

The temporary election rule changes surrounding the Pandemic driven by the Dems were what did Trump in. The Reps were ineffective in countering this. Trump wins Georgia without this in a cakewalk.



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For me, I'm not sure there is any electoral solution left. Trump will be in jail, the wealthy and powerful in the Republican party will give a secret sigh of relief, the DemoCommies will perfect their vote counting techniques to ensure just enough superiority to do whatever they want (CA, MN), and the bureaucrats will, unhindered, run everything into the ground.

I think we're in the "weak men create hard times" phase and I hope the western world doesn't dally there too long before heading into the phase where "hard times create strong men".

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More likely than not. But with Teflon Don, anything is possible!

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Well said, Jeff. I prefer DeSantis but want to see the Deep State and DC Swamp completely destroyed. Our nation will collapse if the elites are allowed to continue pillaging our republic at the expense of citizens.

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not just elites, the permanent bureaucracy.....it's unsustainable and Fitch just shot a warning shot across the bow

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I think we are already past the tipping point. For the left to have the confidence to do the things that they are in broad daylight they have to know that the mechanisms are all now in place for their dominance. I hate to be so pessimistic but the veneer of normalcy that many seem to still be experiencing is pretty much gone now. Gen Z now believes that free speech is dangerous. They'll be the leaders and judges that will allow it all to collapse in the next 40 years, if it takes even that long. I'm not convinced that the crumbling financial edifice will last even a tenth of that time.

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This is all about ideology. There are plenty of people out here that have serious money and power that are fed up and ready to shed blood. The anti-Trump rhetoric is tired and transparent. I enjoy your writing and look forward to hearing your opinion. Discourse is important and part of the process. It's time to back the horse that can win.

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Trump's real positive: Before the fishy-smelling Wu-Flu came along and everyone thought we should lock everything down and suspend individual rights of every sort, Trump had made us a oil exporter, and unemployment, especially of minorities, was at all-time lows. Why Trump in 24? No one else is motivated enough to punish the criminals from the administration and deep state and fix our election systems.

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A great point.

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I am much more concerned about the uniparty and media doing anything to destroy the guy than I am about trump. I'd vote for him again just piss the right people off.

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I think a lot of people feel the way you do. Many were watching DeSantis, but he's not campaigning very well. DeSantis is doing a great job as governor of FL, really great job given the heat he is taking. Trump really didn't need to try and trash him.

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Many don't realize that while RDS was running for governor last year...there were ads running "Ready for Ron" when he hadn't announced and was campaigning. I saw the ads in VA! Ed Rollins had set up a PAC.

I have nothing agains Ron and he might have headed my list going into 2028.

If I lived in FL and had supported him for gov. I'd be REALLY pissed that after JUST getting reelected and after saying "if reelected, I'll finish my term" he listens to the wrong people and runs for POTUS. I wouldn't be happy after sending money and/or time for his campaign. I've seen many people online voicing the same opinion. Many of these people live in FL. They voted for him to be Gov not POTUS.

He should have WAITED.

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Trump spoke to us, he always knew how the public felt about the issues that affected our lives and spoke to them. Politicians always made speeches, and then did what they felt like when they were put into power - but Trump never changed and all of his statements and his rallies and his personal talks stayed exactly on the course he knew we wanted.

We need him.

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Eric Holder: Some accused me of being the most corrupt attorney general.

Merrick Garland: Hold my beer.

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This ends when Americans have had enough of the parasite class. They are a tolerant and generous people but the left is loud and relentless in grasping for power. Soon, America will say "enough" and it will be over. No violence. The soros-soy-boy-antifa are feckless, useless, retreat to their mother's basement. Old-corrupt media disappears. The only work is to retire the bureaucracy. That cost Poland a few billion in 1987, to retire ex-communists. Our parasites aren't nearly as virulent, thank God.

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Trump is an icon of standing up to tyranny. But he is not a leader. He has failed to lead the GOP. The DNC makes them look like amateurs. He fails to carry through on his promises, which is not something you can accuse Biden of. At the same time, China which was on a trajectory to eclipse the West, has now relapsed economically, largely I believe as a reaction to Trump. Trump would have told Zelensky, "Fuggedaboudit," and the world economy would not have collapsed.

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Seems to me Trump carried out about 80% of his campaign promises, and the ones he didn't accomplish were due to lackluster support by the GOP. No politician ever keeps all his promises, but Trump did better than most at keeping his.

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It wasn't for not trying but with all the push back against him in DC it's amazing he got anything done...in SPITE of the establishment.

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To be fair - in my own mind - Trump wouldn't have gotten as much accomplished if he hadn't picked someone like Mike Pence for VP, since Pence knew his way around Congress & was able to grease the way for some of Trump's legislative program. OTOH, although I liked Pence in his persona as a conservative radio host in Indiana, and as Indiana's Governor, I don't think he's the right type of personality for President in this climate, and I think that DeSantis has the same problem. It's not that they're not competent - perhaps more competent than Trump in the political arena - but that they don't the same sort of emotional response that Trump does in an arena that's becoming ever less about rational vote-getting and ever more about evisceral, gut-base voting on both sides.

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I wonder, were he not now in heaven, what Rush would be saying about the positions Mike Pence has taken in the post Prez 45 era?

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Agree. I wonder if he would highlight Trump's foibles etc....(along with the rest of them because no one is perfect). Or, would he be talking about the Bidens and Covid coverup

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I think Mr Carter you have the thread: I think Rush would have done both, and given us historical perspective for comparison (Wilson to O).

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I suspect Rush was aware of Trump's foibles - after all, he lived in NYC for a long time. My guess is that he wouldn't pick sides between GOP candidates, but would fully back whichever came out on top, just as he did with McCain & Romney.

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Pence was loyal to Trump until he couldn't accept the "hold up the Electors" gambit. I'm not sure I didn't agree with him about that, even though I think the real scandal was that the Courts refused to look at the potential evidence rather than that there WASN'T evidence of cheating. But I've not been impressed with what I've seen of Pence-the-Pres-Candidate, and I still don't think he's got the necessary feistiness needed for this go-round.

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I would peg that number at 95% and he attempted to carry out 100% but was forestalled by the Dems -- witness the wall between the US and Cartelistan.

The wall works exactly as planned where it was built and is an abject failure where it was not built.

The criminal failure to secure our southern border and the implications for illegal immigration, national security, and drug smuggling is an impeachable offense.



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Perhaps he's not a leader in the GOP because they have fought him ALMOST as hard as the Ds. Any promises he failed to complete were mostly because of the establishment GOP. Paul Ryan, Mitch, Mitt and others have shown nothing but disdain for him. They don't like him because WE like him (warts and all). He has changed very little in the past 40 years.

They can't control him, therefore they fear and hate him.

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Trump is the only GOP nominee in the last 120 years to be opposed by the establishment and the elites in his own party after winning the nomination.

In spite of that, he prevailed which has served to only invigorate more hate from the GOPe and the elitists.

He is also the only President ever to have exposed the danger of the DeepState particularly in the intel racket which has been horrifically wrong about the most important intel matters of our times.



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It is truly amazing how wrong the Deep State intel has been during the course of both of our lives (you are slightly more mature than I). They seemingly got it right with Korea and the Cuban Missile Crisis, then screwed up the rest of the way. Why?

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It is hard to anticipate what our enemies will do, but there is no accountability when they, the intel community, get it wrong. It will be interesting to see how AI impacts intel analysis.

The intel community is highly political -- witness the absurd letter about Hunter Biden's laptop three weeks before the election. They are also liars as the FBI/CIA knew it was genuine for more than a year.

It was a huge error not to understand the Russians were, in fact, going to invade Ukraine.

I called the shot when I saw medical units (surgical units) forward deployed, ordnance units, combat engineers with bridging equipment, and munitions/POL dumps forward.

This was basic military intel/photo recon as these are not capabilities you deploy on maneuvers.

We could use a solid housecleaning of the entire intel community plus the DOJ/FBI.



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Exactly. Trump didn't realize the importance in politics of winning allies, making deals and subordinating his own goals to team priorities. Rudi Giuliani tried his best to show Trump how it was done and was politely ushered out.

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Yes and no. The collaboration between Pres Trump and Mitch McConnell to deliver a solid conservative majority Supreme Court was a work of art.

Trump stood by his nominees even when the opposition exceeded even their own low standards for comity.

Trump promised he would nominate conservative justices and he worked with McConnell to get them confirmed whilst standing steady behind his nominees.

This will impact our great Nation for half a century at least. This is a monumental achievement.

I could have used his rebuilding of the US military, the economy, foreign relations (particularly w/ Israel and the Middle East in general), NATO, energy independence, or the unmasking of Chinese perfidy as an example.

There were no teams or team objectives in these arenas.

Having said that, he could have used another semester in charm school, but the fierce, barbaric, tribal hatred of his opponents -- Nancy Pelosi ripping up Trump's State of the Union speech being a perfect example of gratuitous enmity -- did not allow much in the way of cooperation.



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Agree. Would Kavanaugh had gotten approved with any other Republican President? If so, name them. Amy Coney Barrett? I actually think Gorsuch would have been approved with or without Trump.

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Sexual allegations are the third rail of politics. Trump having been both a transgressor and falsely accused was the only President who could have maintained his aplomb when the crazies began to emerge.

Interestingly, not a single accuser of Kavanaugh gained credibility after the spectacle and more than half disavowed their claims to no punishment.

BTW, I consider Joe Biden's pre-condition that his Sup Ct pick first be black and a woman was one of the worst things ever done. It totally marginalizes her. Ketanji Brown Jackson's first opinions have not been impressive which makes her nomination even more questionable. It was dumb and unfair to the candidate.



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The first 45 years post World War II were the Cold War and the next 30 were the Unipolar Moment. Both eras are over and belong to history but our politics is still mired in the past - except for Trump. Eventually we will return to a world where we have dropped the post war trappings and return to being a Republic occupied mostly with our own affairs and not reliant on foreign goods and financing. There’s a lot of dead wood to clear out before we get there.

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