I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: The spine of the political coalition for the Democratic Party is almost entirely comprised of the corrupt and the credulous.

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@elon and @pmarca are right, but it is so much worse than they know. I have worked in the INGO world since before it was an "industry", and there is not one single thing that is nonprofit about it. There are ways to move the money around and spend it on yourself so that you look like no profits were taken but somehow the people at the top are making more than half a million a year, everyone's flying business class, and only the taxpayer gets it in the shorts and on the hook for everything. Sadly, I'm in what used to be the arm designed to make sure projects are effective, good bang for the buck, but no one in the loop wants to know the answer anymore. They do everything imaginable to avoid letting the data speak. My whole department was re-organized out of existence at one place because (in my youth and naivete) I kept trying to explain to the org's powers-that-be that we could and ethically should, even *must*, be doing a much better, more honest & transparent, and more methodologically correct, job. I'm not bitter; leaving that place was the best thing that ever happened to me, professionally and on so many other levels. Orientation is the schwerpunkt.

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I am going to be honest, over the last 120 years I am not sure the Pravda on the Hudson and over a lesser stretch the Pravda on the Potomac, who have had an outsized hand in what other newspapers all over the country run/print back in the day, have not always been just what they are today. An extension of the socials/Democratic party. Occasionally they have to pull a punch to keep whatever set of useful idiots think the news media has a shred of even handedness in what they cover and how they cover certain things/people when it involves that party with a pachyderm. Plenty of instances back in the 1940's and 1950s of the NYT's literally word for word reprinting something from the Daily worker. Problem is we have a low IQ, very poorly factually educated electorate now.

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Don't disagree. Didn't the NYT whitewash Stalin back in the day?

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They did more than white wash him, they gave a high quality reach around. The Pravda on the Hudson has had many a committed commie writing for it. It took Robert Conquest constantly fighting against the likes of the NYT, and essentially all other media outlets and academia as he wrote the book the Great Purge with estimates of upwards of 20MM killed in Stalin and Lenin's Russia, though I have seen some newer discourse on the matter putting it up near 40 plus million which is probably way more accurate, he fought them all and in the end was right. They had an interview with Dr. Conquest on the 50th anniversary of the Great Purge and the interviewer asked him, I think he was in his 90's at this point, if he could rename the book what would he rename it? The interviewer said he did not miss a beat and said, I would rename it "I told you so you Mother Fuckers".

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We took a drive today in Philadelphias main line. It’s a democratic bastion. And still we saw about 40 percent of the signs were pro Trump. You’d never see that in a normal year. It feels more landslidish to me in favor of Trump….

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Two points:

1)The NGO game and "outsourcing" some current gov't responsibilities to non-profits started with GWB. It has morphed into a multi-headed hydra. Many of these NGOs are incorporated as "non-profit" 501-C-3 orgs which typically allows the donors to write off their contributions. Think of the Gates foundation and how it has been used to repurpose Microsoft created wealth to WEF ideas. The Dems as great as sneaky tactics.

2)Polls--I don't think Rs are phased by these outlier polls. Even Nate Silver considers them suppression polls. After 8-9 years of Dem and Blob Baloney Sausage (my dad's euphemism for a different term) we are not so easily discouraged by their opps. Remember to them power and money are EVERYTHING. Most of us care deeply but we have other things that stabilize us. Such as prayer, which is far more powerful.

As SD would say, live your best life and remember trillions are at stake.

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nice data driven link. Dems have lost 203k active voter registrations in Iowa, around 10% of the voting age population.

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voter suppression poll. Easy win in Iowa for Trump.

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"Vote like your life depended on it!" I think it will truly be "too big to rig" but the state of the country is going to take a generation at least to recover from the left's long march through the institutions. Teach your children well, and don't be silent anymore. Silence is complicity.

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In the words of Mayor Daley, Vote early and Vote often. I agree with you Jeff that it could be a 1980 kind of election, but there are two parts to that; 1. that it has that kind of voter blow out for one candidate 2. Those voters votes have to actually be counted and or not lost, flipped or changed. I sit in a house full of women, my wife a lifelong Republican but sadly can not see what the other side is and has been since the early 1900's because she can not stand the way Trump talks or calls the other side names. Now she is a very, very brilliant woman, and I love her, but she drives me crazy with this very myopic, historically uneducated view point about his approach. She knows nothing of FDR, or Wilson, or LJB, or Nixon, or JFK or TR. People with bombastic and frankly incredibly crude demeanors who have run for the presidency and occupied the white house. We have had us some real SOB's that have run our country. Some have been good at it, others not so much. Still, as crass and crude or worse than anything the Donald says. I see this as what has been the focus of the left when it comes to the woman's vote. All presentation, no substance, hence why women seemingly love to vote against their own best interests. All right, got that off my chest.

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