Oct 3Liked by Jeffrey Carter

Interesting side note - remember Katrina? The press was all over Bush because of an inadequate job in New Orleans. Don't seem to hear anyone criticizing Biden/Harris on this one. Guess I'm not surprised.

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Oct 3Liked by Jeffrey Carter

Thanks for highlighting the feds' absolutely incompetent response to the devastation in western NC. The stories I'm reading are heartbreaking. The feds didn't activate troops from nearby Fort Bragg or further, Fort Campbell, both of which have hundreds of choppers ready to fly, until yesterday, six days after Helene hit the area. At the same time, feds and local authorities were restricting Good Samaritans who were flying their own choppers on their own dimes to search and rescue and drop food and water to those stranded. You want bigger government? You'll get it, good and hard. By the way, Samaritan's Purse is doing God's work in the area. They happen to be local.

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The first indictment of the current situation is a lack of planning at the state and county level. WTF do their departments of emergency preparedness actually do if not pre-position supplies and transport for those supplies including ground and air assets?

One of the reasons Mayorkas and DHS have gone MIA is because they diverted $1,000,000,000 of FEMA funding from disaster relief to housing illegal aliens.

For the record, this reprogramming was done without Congressional approval.

That is why FEMA is saying they don't have enough money -- it was spent on illegals at the whim of the White House.

All of these bad policy decisions are connected and create an entanglement of unforeseen consquences.

In the whole world 98% of the people are bullshitters and 2% are doers. Clearly the Dems and the current admin is in the 98%.

Worth noting Elon Musk solved the commo problem here and is relieving the hostases in outer space. He's a 2%-er.




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Oct 4Liked by Jeffrey Carter

I’m south of Asheville. In my county, a fairly rural non-urban county, the response has been great. We had power and water restored yesterday less than a week after the storm. All our roads have been cleared of trees and power lines, too. If you saw our local conditions right after the storm, you would not have believed it would be possible to right things in a week for the majority of the residents.

Even though my county did not have the flooding devastation Asheville had, it was still pretty bad. I have not heard anyone complaining about our local officials.

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I heard from the Speaker of the House at a fundraiser for Drew Johnson today that voting will go on in the affected precincts-all but 7-10 of them right now. The Speaker will be down in NC next week.

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My county has mostly open roads. Not sure about all of Buncombe County where Asheville is but people from downtown Asheville can definitely drive to my county.

I just had a generator technician at my house on Saturday and he ran into blocked roads in South Carolina that day.

Here’s a video of the devastation in Chimney Rock. I’ve been on most of these roads. The river was never as wide as what you see. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MYdC-6nShdc

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Oct 4·edited Oct 4Liked by Jeffrey Carter

Good to hear. That is pretty country in that area. I am assuming you are in Henderson County which is a lot less mountainous.

I was in Cashiers -- Jackson County, 63 miles west of Asheville -- for a couple of weeks the week before and they have had a much tougher go of it.

The hardest hit areas are those in which the transportation infrastructure has been disappeared. You can't fix a washed out bridge or road with a chainsaw.

That infrastructure destruction is what gives rise to folks being trapped and unable to reach. Food and water become a huge problem.

God bless NC and all of us.



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Oct 4Liked by Jeffrey Carter

True that!

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Oct 3Liked by Jeffrey Carter

Great post and may I add an "amen!"

A couple of quick comments.

One, you should support mitigation and disaster responsiveness *especially* if you believe in global warming. That belief implies a higher likelihood of disasters, which should result in directing more resources to mitigation and response preparation.

Instead, these nitwits say we have to remake the world to stop global warming--not that their solutions on offer (e.g., "NetZero"--the best measure of the IQ of those pushing it) will do fuck all to achieve their objective.

Inadequate and incompetent response to disasters by people who claim that such disasters are highly likely is particularly damning.

Two--minor point. In addition to the unplugged headphones, Kamala is in a plane, trying to look like she's working hard while traveling . Well, the phone wouldn't work if she was airborne. So is she sitting on the tarmac? Is that why the window covers are down? To conceal the fakery?

These people are idiots who take us for bigger idiots. And unfortunately, they are right about far too many people.

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hahahaha, great points!

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Oct 3Liked by Jeffrey Carter

Well said.

It’s almost as if the federal government has been hijacked by Chicago/Cook County Democrats….

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maybe it was in 2008

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Oct 4Liked by Jeffrey Carter


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Oct 3Liked by Jeffrey Carter

It’s oozing goo that never washes away!

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Oct 4Liked by Jeffrey Carter

The “Chicago Way”. Nauseating

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Oct 3Liked by Jeffrey Carter

They don't care that's the bottom line. They think all the fools will line up like lemmings and vote D for dummy's. Imagine all the things they could get done with all the wasted money they throw at all the countries and organizations like the useless UN and all the countries that don't like us. Jeff, I hope you aren't turning into a eco warrior with your Tesla. LOL

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Oct 4Liked by Jeffrey Carter

We're not there yet, but we are getting to the point of social media being more influential than mainstream media in some instances and the problem is television has survived the purge thus far that took down newspapers. Unfortunately mainstream media has more influence over the outcomes of elections, and of course the bigger the election, the bigger the influence mainstream media has and when communications corporations donate 93% of their money to one candidate, for instance in 2016 Hillary Clinton rather than Donald Trump, any claims toward impartiality are laughable.

The sheer idiocy, corruption and underhanded dealings of so many in this administration are abominable.

Why has no one held Anthony Blinken, the current Secretary of State, accountable for putting together the 51 intelligence experts who lied about Hunter Biden's laptop? We have evidence taken from impartial poll takers that respectively, 15% and 21% in two different polls, of those who voted for Joe Biden would not have voted for Joe Biden if they knew there was truth to the Hunter Biden laptop story, because of the evidence contained on those messages making him complicit in corrupt and illegal activities.

The deterioration of once great nation, unfortunately, is continuing and if Harris gets elected, we are in a lot of trouble.

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Oct 3Liked by Jeffrey Carter

🔥🔥🔥 A most excellent rant! No arguments here. “I’m from the government, and I’m here to prevent you from being helped.” If you’re actually a net tax payor, when you need help the most, you can rely on the government not helping you, if not actively harming you. We are on our own.

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The federal government may sit on piles of cash - however, no one has granted them a monopoly on rescue and recovery activities.

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Oct 3Liked by Jeffrey Carter

How they are acting -- like they--and only they--have the power and control over every domain even over citizens trying to help each other is a glimpse into the mindset of Democrats. These people are the Central Planners, the dictator-wannabes who think they know better than everyone else.

They have zero respect for differences in opinion and are the worst of ignorance in that they don't even know what they don't know. This is why they believe that censorship is necessary, because they believe they are right and even Noble, and that anyone who disagrees must just be plain stupid or evil.

I am not frightened by the Left, but I do despise it and am aware of the damage they do to our civilization. It seems that more people are waking up to this plainly visible aspect of history.

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In their righteousness, they believe we abhor collective action. They fail to see that we are skeptical (and sometimes abhor) coerced collectivism.

There is a reason that the Founders included a right to free association. Living in freedom doesn't imply a denial of collective action benefiting the commonweal. Living in freedom means finding the best means of voluntary collective action.

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Oct 3Liked by Jeffrey Carter

That's a great point. I've had people sarcastically reply to any comments I make about "individuals" in the vein that you suggest.

It's a subtle, but huge distinction of coercion vs free association.

And your point is proven just by the eagerness of conservatives to join organizations such as their church, scouting, sports clubs, executive clubs, country clubs, etc.

We generally want to share, but abhor any coercion to do so.

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The individual is the smallest minority “group”. We’re all for minorities, right?

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Oct 3Liked by Jeffrey Carter

I'm smack dab in the middle of this cataclysm. Nobody gives a damn about us. Asheville is cordoned off. The majority of the TVA is breached. I don't believe for a second that Helene caused this. There are no coincidences. Keep your guns loaded. Shit is hitting the fan.

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Oct 3·edited Oct 3Author

Tell us about it. What happened in your neck of the woods? How much property was destroyed? Crops? Livestock? Roads? We saw Interstates washed away, what are the state, county and rural roads like? What is the best way for an observer with no control to help?

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